Still a wip getting there though. [hider=Anton] [b]Name[/b] - Anton Michael Hollens [b]Species[/b] - Human [b]Sex[/b] - male [b]Age[/b] - 25 [b]Faction[/b] -Okussu cult mercenary [b]Appearance[/b] - [img][/img] [b]Apparel/Armor[/b] - modular heavy black durasteel armor with a charcoal grey duster hooded duster . Optional fully enclosed helmet. [b]Weapons[/b] - Corellian K5 Blaster Rifle,blaster pistol,cortosis weave Vibroknife, thermal detonators. [b]Equipment[/b] -Old Sith empire ID tags [b]Skills[/b] - During the war Anton was stationed on several jungle planets. Thanks to that he knows how to use his environment to his advantage. - Anton was fortunate enough to be special forces certificated before the collapse of the sith empire, as such he is trained in small unit tactics and gorilla warfare. -Having served as a squad leader Anton is a battle tested his leadership skills were forged in the heat of battle. [b]Flaws[/b] - Anton only cares about the money, he holds no loyalty to the cult beyond being paid to be. Unless ordered specifically he won't go out of his way for anything. - Anton has a personal vendetta against the republic. This emotional hate has at times clouded his otherwise tactical mind. -Even though Anton is a good squad leader, he has little to no skill in strategy or coordinating anything larger then a squad. [b]Personality[/b] - Once Anton reveled in his duty to his empire. Knowing little else he saw serving in the army as the pinnacle of devotion to his empire and home. When the war ended Anton became jaded and cynical, his way of life reduced to rubble by self righteous jedi and their power hungry Republic. Having lost everything Anton had been forced to claw his way through a crucible of pain and blood to achieve his infamous status. Now a cold jaded man who cares little about the lives of innocents as long as it pays his way. If his target happens to be republic or jedi, he would glad accept at significant discount. [b]Backstory[/b] - Anton was born on a small insignificant planet within sith space called Jaguada. The eldest son of a navel captain and a Imperial senior Medical officer. As a result of his heritage Anton and his younger sister lived like royalty on this back water planet. While Anton's parents were away deployed against the republic or at a training academy, Anton and his sister Elisa would often stay in their family home with no one but themselves and a nanny their parents hired. Anton's childhood was rather boring with almost nothing being note worthy. It wasn't until the age of 15 when Anton was sent to a military. As the war demanded kept skyrocketing the demand for troops escalated. Training times were shortened and academy cadets were trained for their eventual conscription. A few like Anton saw this training as a way to defend their empire. It was at the Academy he would meet the love of his life. Jaesa Dorn the daughter of a minor general. For the next three years Anton and Jaesa worked hard until their graduation. Selected to receive additional certification with small unit tactics, Anton's assignment was delayed six weeks while the others were sent off to fight. Upon completion Anton was assigned to the 237rd Infantry battalion. During the remainder of the war Antons unit was assigned to a number of fronts until his battalion was forced to surrender. For the last six months of the war Anton was held captive. When the war ended he was released, free to return home. Upon return Anton had to cope with the reality the empire had fallen. The only life he had,torn away and replaced with nothing. The small meager amount of wealth was near worthless,the small estate reclaimed by the new republic government. Anton's father had defected to the republic and abandoned his family in leu of a younger republic woman. His sister had been forced to leave their planet in search of work to help support her mother.Left penniless and homeless Anton went to who ever he could for help. First he went to the Dorn family,like anton's they had suffered from the republic. Jaesa's father had been killed during the final battle, along with that Jaesa had been missing since she had been captured only days into her first deployment. Jaesa's mother, like Anton's family had been left penniless. After going to other family friends and being unable to get any help, Anton could do nothing else but get drunk in the local bar and hope that the next five years be fore the drinking kills him are short. It would be here that Anton would discover the glorious profession of being a mercenary. One day while he was waiting for drink a man approached him asking if he knew some one who was handy with a blaster. With almost nothing to lose Anton had said he would do it and went off to go buy the cheapest blaster he could find.. The man was an idiot but paid well It was a simple small time bit player wanting to make a power play and move up to the big time. After hiring a half dozen small time bounty hunters and mercenaries they moved off world. For a week anton worked for the guy, until he crossed a hutt and got himself killed on nar shadda while trying to storm a hutt owned bar single handedly. Stuck on Nar Shadda Anton could only go find a job for with one of the small time gangs. For three years Anton rised through the criminal ladder from a lowly hired gun with some small time gang to a top enforcer to Zula the hutt, an up and coming hutt. Every time he was paid, Anton sent every cent to his mother. It was on one of his rare days off when he was approached by someone asking if he wanted to make some real money. At the time he was paid relatively little in comparison to some one working for the big time hutts. He jumped at the chance to make a little extra. He has made more money in the first few months working for the cult then he had made in the the first year and a half combined. [/hider]