[center][h1]WANTED[/h1] [i] If you're reading this, then you must be an adventurer or opportunist of some kind, otherwise, why would you be reading an Adventurers Guild Ad? Anyways, My name is Val, and I am looking for a group of talented and like-minded people to form an adventuring party, and to carry out various contracts and quests for the Adventurers Guild, and otherwise! It has always been my dream to be a famous adventurer and hero, to have tales of my name spoken throughout taverns and alehouses all across Vitaria! To live by honor and for glory, to be a true hero! I'm looking for a group of motivated, and talented people, who will strive to become legendary adventures! [/I] Hello, I am looking for a very small group of people to adventure through my world with! I have been worldbuilding a universe that I had planned on using for a project of short stories that I have been planning for equally as long, for quite some time now and feel as if I am just fleshing out a world in which I shall never experience! So, as an exercise of such, I felt that playing and adventuring through this world would be a great way to flesh it out and really get a feel for how the world comes across, and if it is fitting of the undertones I have been trying to bring about. Aside from my rambles, I am looking for only a small group, about one-two other people, three if there is much interest. A character sheet will be provided, and lore will be answered based off of your questions, otherwise it will be explored in character. Information such as races will be provided and the fun shall start! I planned on largely winging this roleplay, so things may get a little chaotic and there may be some minor plotholes/changes, but all should be fine in the end! Let me know you're interested or shoot me a PM for more information![/center]