[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/Vkv7TqX.png[/img][/center] [color=orange]"Just a sec, I'm almost done here... Plus I'm not using the forge or anything, just a little carving on soft metal. I'll pick up the shavings don't worry about that."[/color] Trey replied to Maroon. He finished his carving and began to peel off a little more synth skin on his left knee so he could access the offending parts. As soon as he finished unscrewing the faulty joint-bolts, a familiar voice greeted back of Trey's head. [color=gold]“I see that you’re still malfunctioning. How have you been?”[/color] Trey knew that voice. He knew it very well as a matter of fact. How long has it been... a year or so at least. As much as Trey wished to turn his head to greet his old teammate, Trey couldn't take his eyes off of his knee parts; the delicate job of re-aligning his secondary actions required him to keep his eyes on them. But no matter, Ginto will just have to deal with the unintentional rudeness from Trey. [color=orange]"Malfunctioning as you have just mentioned. You know, if we didn't go to that bloody beach that one time, I might not be having this problem."[/color] Trey smiled as he remembered the good times during his academy years. The beach trip was a particularly fond memory for Trey. [color=orange]"I got sea water in my systems, I felt... salty for a month. Not to mention the crap ton of sand that crept into my servos. I swear, this knee problem began after I took it apart to wash the sand out."[/color] He finished aligning the rods and screwed in the supporting structures to hold it in place. He finished screwing in the new joint-bolts with his bare hands. He flexed his reconstructed leg a few times. He decided that it was satisfactory and patched up the peeled synth-skin before rolling down his pants to cover his legs. He stood up and dusted himself. He turned to face Ginto. [color=orange]"But you know what? It was worth it. I got to see you guys in silly bikinis and had fun."[/color] [@Elle Santiago]