"Jesus. Are you alright?" Isaac was staring at the sky, with the stranger getting to his feet, and a limp body near by. Isaac sat up and rubbed his eyes, making sure the haziness would fade from the sides of his vision, but they faintly lingered. "Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks, I guess." His migraine was gone, for the first time in years, the slight fog of pain was gone. Clarity for the first time in ages, but now it was met with a strange vision perspective. [i]Did, did I pop a vein or something?[/i] He thought to himself, looking at the stranger dusting himself off, and then to the body next to them. It was Matt's, seemingly lifeless, but still breathing. Isaac stepped over Matt and climbed up the hill, but just to the guardrail. People all across the boardwalk were getting off the ground, the car stalled out and scratched along the sides. But as if they all had collapsed at once, and then came to at the same time, the people began helping each other up, confused, looking around, or quietly went about their own business. Isaac slid back down the hill, "What happened?" The stranger looked at Isaac dumbfounded, "You tell me." "I remember my migraine just, it was stupidly painful, and him" pointing to Matt slowly moving, but still laying down, "Then, I could see-" he stopped mid-sentence [i]Would this guy really believe me? I saw something else, a viewpoint I wasn't seeing.[/i] "Well, I went to look up, and everyone turned their head at the same time I did. It was like, eh, I don't know." Isaac went over to Matt and opened his eyelids, and while the pupil responded to light as they natural should, a smokey black rim appeared around the edges of the iris. Matt's green eyes were stained with an odd black fog and glossed over. As Isaac opened his mouth to say something, police sirens were wailing down the road to the scene of the wreck. "Ah hell," Isaac sighed and grabbed his messenger bag, "C'mon man, we gotta get outta here." "What about him?" The stranger asked. "Honestly, prison would keep him safe for once in his life." Isaac motioned for the stranger to follow, the hesitation in the stranger's steps barely noticeable, but the police sirens were certainly a driving force to get moving. Staying along the hillside that eventually led back to main boardwalk, crowded with people, although Isaac noticed that almost every other person was rubbing their head. [i]That can't be linked, can it?[/i] Isaac swallowed a lump in his throat, and looked back to see if the stranger was still following him amongst the crowd. He was, but at a distance, lightly holding his shoulder. [i]At least he knows how to lay low.[/i] Isaac turned into the stoop of an apartment building, the stranger stopping at the base of the stairs. "Hey man, thanks for doing, whatever you did to get us off the street." "Someone had to, no one else would've." He replied. "Well, thanks. Um," Isaac pointed to the strangers shoulder, "You need that patched?" The stranger shrugged, "I'll live." "Oh, ok, yeah man. Listen," Isaac pulled out a paper and scribbled a number down, "If you need anything, here's the code to the door. 6th floor, is mine." Isaac tossed the paper down to the stranger and went inside. His stomach tossing, Isaac took the elevator up and unlocked his small penthouse, heading straight for the sink. Sweat beginning to drip from his forehead, he lurched forward vomiting bile into the sink. Disgusted, but giving a relieved sigh, Isaac sat on his beat up couch and replayed the events from the boardwalk over and over. [i]Something isn't adding up[/i], he thought [i]It wasn't just me, or one person who collapsed, it was everyone nearby.[/i] Isaac laid down, and let his mind wander endlessly.