Travis admitted to himself that it would've been best to have request Zuri to transform into the initial phase for their impending conflict with Father Stockton, that way there was less focus on his teammate. Just as Zuri concluded their plans that he laid out, she then assumed her previously dark and intimidating form. However the transformation wasn't exactly as Travis had remembered it the first time though he had honestly happened upon it at its ending phase. Instead of a shadowy looming figure dethatched of any recognizable features of Zuri herself, she, perhaps unintentionally, departed from her attire in poltergeist-like fashion. Travis would argue that the 'armor' she now wore didn't appear practical protection-wise as it only covered certain areas of her body. However he couldn't determine the attributes or qualities of each fabricated piece that held to Zuri's anatomy therefore, it was currently beyond him how effective this new form was. Travis eventually snapped out of his dumbstruck state just as Zuri sheepishly asked if he had glimpsed any aspect of her briefly bare transformation to which he replied with quickly shaking his head while widened eyes and a frown still illustrated his surprised of the incident. Apparently, even Zuri expressed her astonishment of the sequence that has transpired which lead to Travis wondering how much of her power did Zuri know or comprehended. It seemed clear she knew how to call upon mana and use it to channel spells but thus far, the artes she performed seem to have unintended or different results. Was she casting the wrong spells or did her power have its own will? A fascinating topic to research but other developments required their attention. With Raiaya now taking note of their newly established readiness, Travis watched as she unexpectedly engaged Rutger yet again despite her obviously low mana reserves. Be her attack didn't carry any lethal weight to it and only operated to stun an opponent; a maneuver he didn't think Raiya would utilize. The tactic seemed to work as it neutralized Stockton's barrier and even caught him off guard for once. This was now the time for he and Zuri to finally enter the fray. "The fight is on, Zuri! Let's go!" he called upon his teammate with irresolute dynamism; he really wasn't looking forward to this. Having inserted a number of his remaining mana crystals with several specialized of his coat though his discussion with Zuri, Travis could feel a large flow of mana synchronizing with his own well. With a topped off and a enhanced supply, Travis quickly casted several runes around him but delayed their discharge. Through the motion, he charged forward with Nemo's shotgun in hand, loaded with two buckshots he hoped to further harass with Rutger with, even whittle down preferably if he could. It was then that Rutger finally replied to Raiya's non-fatal ploy with a spell of his own. After seeing Raiya recoil, Travis gritted his teeth and slid into position and took quick aim, wanted to pay his target back for harming his comrade yet again. With a prefect shot lined up, Travis wasted no time and pulled one of the triggers of his shotgun and witnessed the brilliance of the custom shell's firing.