[centre][b][h1][color=coral]Tabitha[/color][/h1][/b][/centre] Tabitha skipped out of school, happily, seeming to be in a world of her own- as she often was. She didn’t care what others thought about herself, she liked who she was. Glancing to her phone, thinking that maybe she should see if some of the others wanted to catch up, someday, she saw the message that was displayed over the screen when she opened up the digi app. Curious, she stopped where she was a moment, pursing her lips in thought. She pressed okay, thinking what could happen if she did, and then stared at the words that appeared on the screen. Go home? That seemed a bit weird. How would the app know if she was home or not, connected to her home network? What sort of event was this, that you had to do something so specific? She stood there deliberating for a time, before she started off home. Tabitha always walked home from school, often skipping most of the way, today was no exception, as she stopped to pluck a flower now and then as she occasionally did on her walks to and from school. She didn’t think that she was in any hurry, the messages hadn’t said that there was a time limit, besides, she wanted to enjoy things a little. It was always nice to dawdle a bit on the last day of school. The air smelled like freedom. She happily walked, thinking what the messages could mean, soon coming onto her place. The small apartment was nevertheless homey, some of Tabitha’s art sprawled over the door, and the frame, and she laid a hand over it a moment, as she opened the door. Her mother wasn’t home. That was to be expected… she almost always worked herself to death… sighing softly, she crouched down and stroked the fat grey cat, Galahad as he lounged by the door, waiting for attention that he rightly thought was his due. Looking around the clean house, Tabitha chucked her bag on the couch, making a not to remove it before her mother got home. She got herself a snack (going straight for the cookies, despite the fact she wasn’t meant to) and a drink (Chocolate milk, filling it nearly halfway full of the delicious chocolate syrup), before she headed to her room, setting both the plate and the glass on the night stand. Her room was rather bright and colourful, due partly to the fact that she had painted all four walls with her own artwork, and the bright multi-coloured blanket on her bed. She settled back, wriggling out of her school clothes and into comfy clothes, before she reached out for her phone, opening the app, connecting to her home network. She was taken aback when a voice came from her phone, and she very nearly dropped it, staring at it. It had never done that before. Had it? She was sure that it had always been written word. She pondered that a moment, and then the screen went black, and she blinked. Had it died? But it had had nearly a full charge… reaching over and plugging it in, she frowned when the charging light didn’t come on. [i]Mum won’t be able to replace it if it’s broken… [/i]. And it would just give her mother more stress than she needed. Tabitha poked the screen. Which made it begin to glow, and she grinned thinking that she had fixed it, but then it seemed like the glow was consuming everything, and Tabitha squealed, going to throw the phone away before the world went black. She woke to a white curtain, and for a frightful moment she thought that she had gone blind, before she realised that it was soft… and creamy. And warm. And [i]moving[/i]. She nearly squealed again, a voice reaching her ears. [b]”Tabitha! Tabi! Wake up!”[/b]. Tiny hands shook her, and for a moment, she wondered if she’d fallen asleep, and her mother had shrunk… she blinked, shaking her head. [color=coral]”I’m awake, I’m awake!”[/color] she mumbled, shaking herself, and sitting up, looking around and blinking. Where was she? Her gaze fell onto the being that had been trying to wake her. [color=coral]”Wha-?”[/color] [hr][hr] [centre][b][h1][color=tan]Coronamon[/color][/h1][/b][/centre] Coronamon stood on the edge of the group of digimon, rolling his eyes at the dramatics of it all. Why did they have to go through this? Seemed a bit stupid to him. He scoffed at the little digimon, Terriermon’s, excitement. You’d think the little twit had never had something exciting happen to him. [color=tan]”"Yes, yes, we know they're here, Terriermon. We are not blind, nor are we deaf"[/color] he said weary of the little digimon already. How long was he going to have to put up with the kids cheerfulness? As the others made way to their “Partners” Coronamon stayed back, rolling his eyes, arms crossed over his chest. He eventually walked over to Oliva, [color=tan]”Oi. Ya gonna lay there all day? I ain’t gonna drag your butt along, ya known”[/color]