[b]TIME:[/b] Present Day - Morning | LOCATION: Kumo | [b]INTERACTION: [/b] Nadia Rising! [@Ladyinink] Kiku [@Grey Sama] Ryoko [@BladeX]Kaba [@Altered Tundra] Jaak [@Olira] Blonde?? [@GlitchyBugger] Yui The Cloud in a nutshell is a bombshell like as in a deathtrap? Nadia's team walk through the village, locals just seem to be bothered by them. It wasn't a warm welcome, not at all, not that she expected it considering her verdict is that they'll be in the enemy territory .[i] (This is exciting and crappy as I thought, what have I gotten myself into?)[/i] Nadia is stunted by the situation, feeling all nervous but tried remaining calm as much as possible. Trying to get a better angle of the situation, Nadia activated her sharingan and summoned two kunai but then Ryoko positioned herself in front of her blocking off her path to the enemy. (What is this feeling? Is it fear? Am I going to die here? ) Nadia's body started to get numb from nervousness and she's breathing profusely like as if she's having a heart attack. That goes to show that she has never been in a real life and death situation and a big contrast to her friendly neighborhood missions. The red man stopped her from performing any hand seals, seems like the team anticipated well that an Uchiha like her would gladly spam fire type abilities. As time plays the count, her fear grew stronger, tears start coming out of her eyes without her noticing it. "One mistake is all it takes to get a someone killed, We cannot just gonna stand here and do nothing." She said to the Red Man. She literally quoted her Sensei. ---------- [i]Flashback[/i] Prior the Jounin Exam Incident Team Shimura(Last Name of her Sensei) [i]"Nadia. A blind cannot lead a blind. Learn how to cooperate with your teammates and cherish them and trust them. Rushing to the front lines with a plan is a good thing but one mistake is all it takes to get someone killed. If you really want to be Hokage, you need to be willing to listen to people and not selfishly rely on your own belief."[/i] Her sensei is a nice woman who have great insights in most things. ---------- She grabbed the Red Man's hand and she smiled shrugging off her fear. "Once this is all over, you better give me more of those chocolates!" Her grip loosens. "I dunno your name Senpai but I have a plan. Please listen carefully and let's help each other out, I'm not saying this as an Uchiha but as a Leaf Shinobi." All this is said softly to The Red Man, trying to be more discreet.