[b]Ranch House[/b] Montana lacked perhaps, the inherent rage for this unknown figure that his fellow held, rather, he could comfortably say that his interest had been piqued. The older male knelt, and collected the posters from the ground which they were cast upon. His fingers ran over the paper. New, it lacked the frayed quality of pre war paper, and the ink had yet to be bleached by the ashland sun, or shredded by the biting winds. Ink being the biggest indicator it was new, along with images generated by technology, rather than the skilled hand of an artists rendition. Simply put, if they had been faked by this merc, it would require access to tech that was hard to come across in this region of the ash. He drew one of his smaller blades from his shoulder holster, and used it to pin the documents to a nearby tree, so the Wanderers to inspect them at their leisure. [color=slategray]"I will hear him, Eld Fen."[/color] Montana strode over to Specter, hands folded behind his back, mirroring the peaceful stance the opposite merc had taken before relaying his warning. [color=slategray]"Intelligence is often a commodity to be sold in our line of work. It is given for free with great care, and rarely without intent."[/color] Even given the possibility that this mercenary was simply the softer hand of the slavery group sent to size them up, much could be learned from a conversation. [color=slategray]"We three will hold council here. I will sit with my back to our number, our guest will face them, with his back to the ash."[/color] He motioned to the ground beneath them, and took a seat, his legs folded in front of him. He motioned for Specter to take his place in front of him. [color=slategray]"Nicodemus, if you could alert those available that we have a guest, one who brings information.[/color] ------------- Makorai was not impressed by what he heard come from the Alchemists mouth. Truthfully, POW's being zapped in the head was an uncomfortable back thought that he'd likely try and drown with a nip of liquor, but it wasn't just the POW's, it was people like Caddie who ended up being covered in bandages because an experiment 'went wrong'. That was the kind of thing that sometimes kept him awake at night, trying to reconcile his beliefs with what he was defending. He told himself it was just a paycheck. That was mostly true. [color=darkgoldenrod]'This took a sobering turn.'[/color] he thought, producing a clear plastic bottle, and taking a sizeable gulp. The burn brought with it the first bit of input from Makorai, in the form of a warning in a hushed tone. [color=darkgoldenrod]"And how about we keep our hands off my favourite serf yeah?"[/color] His eyes didn't move from Aran's but he indicated over to Caddie with a brief nod. He leaned away from the man, and turned himself back to the room. Bless Kora and her mouth. [color=darkgoldenrod]"Well, the field team welcomes you Maddie, look forward to working with you and all that. Fun times, maybe the field team will go out and burn a village or two hm."[/color] Probably not the most tactful joke to make.