[@Luna Amore][@Olira] Mei looked down at the girl, a soft giggle escaping her lips as she stood from the bar giving a light stretch, "Honey, you're not a prisoner here, remember? You don't have to ask. I was going to send you or the others to fetch Nero anyways, seeing how it's already late and I need to get this meeting underway. Would you be a dear, Celeste, and grab him for me?" Of course, Mei could care less about the meeting. In all honesty, it was just gonna be another eulogy delivered on behalf of another fallen brother. What she wanted to know is what Nero was up to, but rather than go herself and.... Actually, maybe she should... She was getting tired of walking on eggshells around him, ever since.... well, more than vampires had been lost to this pitiful war. "On second thought, I'll come with you." She said in short. "It's getting kinda stuffy in here, plus I need to talk to Nero. He's been...very ancy lately, and I want to know why." [@Olira] Perhaps there was more to Hilda than did meet the eyes of the vampires. Perhaps something had been foreseen by her that Nero nor Marcus, not even Mei could see coming. The sound was but a distant rumble, but ever slowly it grew. Louder and louder it grew in decibel, the faint chopping of air, like the beating hooves of a thousand horses charging across the plains. Nero froze and looked to the sky. They were far...but coming fast upon them. He set the gun down and looked at Mark still flirting with Hilda, the grim look in his eyes betraying his innermost fear. [color=ed1c24]"Yo Mark, you made sure you weren't tailed right?"[/color] [color=fff200]"Yeah dawg. Why?"[/color] Marcus answered, a wrinkling of his forehead. He too heard the sound. [color=fff200]"Shit!"[/color] Immediately he jumped up, racing to grab the shotgun in the front seat of his hummer. [color=fff200]"Bet those soldiers put some kinda tracking shit in the crates!"[/color] [color=ed1c24]"And you led those fuckers right to us!"[/color] Nero growled cocking the bolt on a rifle. [color=ed1c24]"Hey blondie!"[/color] Quickly he hollered over at Hilda. The sound...it was deafening now. [color=ed1c24]"You help us ice these fuckers, maybe I'll consider your deal!"[/color] They dove behind the cars...waiting for the onslaught to begin. [img]http://www.militaryaerospace.com/content/dam/mae/online-articles/2015/March/UH-60M%204%20March%202015.jpg[/img] [i]Hunter Two-One, this is Two-One Actual. Package has been located, break. Moving to recover stolen shipment, over.[/i] [i]Copy Two-One Actual. Thermal is showing twenty plus bad guys, break. Looks like we got a pow-wow down there. Stay frosty, over.[/i] [i]Copy, Hunter Two-One, over.[/i] [i]All Hunters, this is Overlord. Be advised, all targets in the area are to be considered hostile. Terminate with extreme prejudice, repeat, terminate with extreme prejudice. Overlord out.[/i]