[h2]Nobunobunobu[/h2] "We're supposed to be Servants... what happened to being mysterious and practical? Revealing all the true names willy nilly, what kind of Magus are you?" Grumbling rather irately though decidedly with less bite than before as the flaming skeleton's eye sockets locked onto the sea serpent meat being prepared by apparently court level chefs, the Demon Archer hummed thoughtfully before holding out her katana towards the squishy human in the midst of the myriad super ghosts. "If you need to cut through the meat, use my Heshikiri Hasebe. It's a blade crafted from one of Masamune's direct disciples, Hasebe Kunishige so its quality can be guaranteed." The fact that it was also used to cut through several wooden shelves before splitting a rather rude tea servant in half simply with the weight of its blade was left unsaid.