[centre][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/360327250866077698/373439341596377088/Travis.png[/img][/centre] Travis was just standing there listening to quiet mumbles as he still struggled to see, the woman who he had yet to see told him he should try blinking some more. Not like he'd already tried that but he still did it anyway, eventually the incomprehensible jumble of colours eventually turned into blob like figures moving around. One was walking towards him and judging from the colours it was Kristian. Then the blob spoke and it was indeed Kristian, [color=springgreen]"What's going on over there?"[/color] Travis pointed over at where the Chimera and Mei were. [color=springgreen]"Is the thing dead?"[/color] He would ask rubbing his eyes as Kristian started to guide him off. Then Kristian asked where they could clean out his eyes, Travis thought for a moment as he hissed in annoyance at the pepper [color=springgreen]"There is this Cafe I was at, we could get you that coffee you wanted while we clean my eye I guess."[/color] Travis would look back at the slightly blurry form of the woman who save his ass and was now doing something to the Chimera, he couldn't tell what. [color=springgreen]"Thanks for saving my stupid ass! Hope you don't run into any trouble for helping us!"[/color] Travis would call out before pointing Kristian in the direction they would need to go to the "Bird Cage", his shoulder would still be bleeding so he wanted to go their quickly hurrying along the footpath holding a hand over the cut to hide it as best he could. [color=springgreen][i]I guess I wasn't gone that long... Hell I got myself into trouble and it wasn't even because of this thing Alice wants to start... Fucking pepper spray...... This sucks...[/i][/color] Travis thought to himself as he blinked rapidly.