I'm still on track and even a little ahead, with 1900 words last night. I'm committing pretty hard to the idea that this story is going to have a fairly slow burn. There are two timelines that eventually meet and collapse into one, and I'm cycling between each one with each chapter, and the protagonist undergoes a radical change between them, and then embarks on the actual character arc the real story is taking place on. I expected the construction to be complicated, and so far I've been right. But so far it's been a lot of fun to do the braiding and planning, and I think I can see what the final shape is going to look like, at least for the first, shitty, pass. If I ever get around to doing a rewrite and edits, I can already see places where things can be tightened together, but we'll see if I wind up having that kind of interest in the story afterward. I'm enjoying the journey all the same, though. :3