It took what felt like years for Ratte to fall asleep and then as soon as she did fall asleep, she was awoken by the sunlight piercing through the thin hangings over the window. She had been dreaming about swimming in gold and jewels, surrounded by voluptuous women and guards attempting to skewer her with swords, spears and arrows. She blinked unevenly and ran a hand through her hair. She felt her stomach begin to tingle and quickly dressed herself. She couldn't help it - she was excited. She had been scheming almost all night long and now was the moment they had all been waiting for. She pulled on and laced up her boots, concealed a small dagger in her left boot and tucked her lock-picking set into the pouch on her belt. She grabbed her hooded cape and left quickly. She made her way down to the rendezvous point and scowled, looking for a vaguely familiar face to know that she needed to get started.