"Tch..." Felix made another awkward parry, but it was clear he was still at a disadvantage. But, he saw that they'd finally liberated Katherine, and with that, a healer. Probably for the best, since he'd done quite a bit more damage to the previous man than he had expected. The spear once again grazed Felix, smacking on the same wound from before. "Dammit... That really stings..." He mumbled as he turned on his feet so he was at the guard's back. "Sorry about this," he said, driving his sword into the older man's side, full force, moving up from just above the hip. It would be a gnarly wound for sure, but not one that would be lethal if treated quickly. That being said... Felix quickly turned, seeing the one armed man. He didn't seem to be threatening at the moment. Better to sort these things out when they were free. For now, he pulled out a wrapped parcel containing a spare tome and staff and tossed them to Katherine. "Those guys aren't doing too hot... I say we get them stable and then get the heck out of dodge."