[hider=Jason Kelly] [hr][center][h1][color=006400][b]Jason Kelly[/b][/color][/h1][hr] [img] http://www3.pictures.zimbio.com/gi/Machine+Gun+Kelly+John+Varvatos+Spring+Summer+3ud4739Svxal.jpg [/img] [h3][b]{[/b] "[i]I hate to advocate drugs, alcohol, violence, or insanity to anyone, but they've always worked for me.[/i]" -Hunter S. Thompson[b]}[/b][/h3][hr] [color=006400]|[u] [b]{N A M E}[/b] [/u]|[/color] [indent]Jason Robert Kelly[/indent] [color=006400]|[u] [b]{N I C K N A M E}[/b] [/u]|[/color] [indent]Jay[/indent] [color=006400]|[u] [b]{B I R T H D A Y}[/b] [/u]|[/color] [indent]8/1/1993[/indent] [color=006400]|[u] [b]{A G E}[/b] [/u]|[/color] [indent]24[/indent] [color=006400]|[u] [b]{G E N D E R}[/b] [/u]|[/color] [indent]Male[/indent] [color=006400]|[u] [b]{S E X U A L I T Y}[/b] [/u]|[/color] [indent]Hetero[/indent] [color=006400]|[u] [b]{R E L A T I O N S H I P S T A T U S}[/b] [/u]|[/color] [indent]Single[/indent] [color=006400]|[u] [b]{O C C U P A T I O N}[/b] [/u]|[/color] [indent]Tattoo Artist, part time Bartender, occasionally weed dealer, drummer[/indent][hr] [img] https://data.whicdn.com/images/294377774/large.png [/img] [color=006400]|[u] [b]{A P P E A R A N C E}[/b] [/u]|[/color] [indent]Jay stands at 6’4 with wiry muscling, his slim and lanky frame make Jack Skellington an excellent Halloween costume for him. Although naturally blonde haired and green eyed and tanning seems to be almost impossible for him, his Irish skin only ever burns and never seems to tan. His body is almost completely covered in tattoo's, full sleeves, his chest, back, and a handful on his legs all of various quality. His hair style frequently changes, mohawks, fauxhawks, and undercuts being the most common, and his hair tends to always look disheveled in someway. His chin and jawline usually have a good amount of scruff but occasionally he looks clean shaven. As for clothing it's usually jeans, frequently ripped and faded, band-tees, mostly punk and classic rock, and old sneakers or chucks. He tends to be a pretty simple guy when it comes to clothes but on the rare occasion where he has to look a bit nicer he can pull off a suit or nice jacket.[/indent][hr] [color=006400]|[u] [b]{Q U I R K S // H A B I T S}[/b] [/u]|[/color] [indent]Drumming, when he's bored or anxious he drums on surfaces with his hands or fingers. Smoking, Jay likes his cigarettes and can get moody if it's been a while since he's smoked. Being late, he's almost never on time for anything, mostly because he's forgetful and tends to procrastinate. Still has a slight Texan accent.[/indent] [color=006400]|[u] [b]{H O B B I E S}[/b] [/u]|[/color] [indent]Drinking Playing Drums, in a small punk band mostly at local bars.[/indent] [color=006400]|[u] [b]{L I K E S}[/b] [/u]|[/color] [indent]Live Music as long as it's good he enjoys most genres, but punk is his favorite Art, especially street art Alcohol, beer and whiskey being his favorites Arcade games Women Smoking weed Pizza and BBQ Horror films [/indent] [color=006400]|[u] [b]{D I S L I K E S}[/b] [/u]|[/color] [indent]Wine Kale, not just the lettuce but even the word is annoying Boredom Snobby, uptight, annoying wealthy people Authority All the touristy spots in the city Being told what to do Being called Tex or Texas[/indent] [color=006400]|[u] [b]{F E A R S}[/b] [/u]|[/color] [indent]Commitment, a real cliché, he knows, but relationships are trouble, and with all his flaws he’d never want to bring another person down with his baggage. That he’ll eventually turn out to be a real piece of shit like his dad, or succumb to depression or vice like his brother did. No one in his family, at least that he knows of, has ever really made something of themselves. [/indent] [color=006400]|[u] [b]{S E C R E T S}[/b] [/u]|[/color] [indent]Most of his past, not that Jay’s actively trying to hide his past but it’s not exactly something he likes talking about. His shitty parents, his brother, being homeless it’s all depressing and he’d rather cheer people up than be a downer. That he’s a high school dropout, a lot of people already look down on him for his appearance, his abundance of tattoo’s, and his Texan accent. He doesn’t want people to think he’s stupid too. [/indent][hr] [color=006400]|[u] [b]{P E R S O N A L I T Y}[/b] [/u]|[/color] [center][h3][color=006400][u] Kind - Stubborn- Loyal - Impulsive [/u][/color][/h3][/center] [indent]At his core, Jay is an incredibly loyal person, he’d do anything for a friend and would even go out of his way to help a stranger. He likes to make people happy, he’d risk his neck to get someone to smile, and hates to bring people down so when he has problem he hides them well. He comes off as arrogant, especially to new people, exuding an overabundance of self-confidence and an attitude that screams I don’t care what you think, which are, to a degree, armor he wears to protect himself. The example set for him by his family, of failure and cruelty, are a constant nagging fear that he will end up just another loser. As for as romantic relationships go, Jay has always been the non-commitment, one night stand or short fling type of guy. Jay’s competitive and always will to accept a challenge, saying ‘I bet you won’t/I bet you can’t’ is the best way to get him to do something. While he’s normally pretty easy going, he does have his limits and buttons that when pushed can set off his temper. He trusts people fairly easily but doesn’t often give out second chances. Jay can be forgetful, easily distracted and is constantly late to things. He is also hard working, enjoying the peacefulness of manual labor and the almost trance like state he goes into when working on tattoos. He enjoys art of almost every kind, he likes to see the best in people first, and can, at times, be a little too trusting. Jay craves excitement, adventure, and danger. He has a self-destructive streak that urges him into doing stupid things. Jay is also very stubborn, he hates admitting when he's wrong and hates to change his ways. He tends to be somewhat resistant to change and new experiences but if pushed hard enough or "dared" into things he can be more open. [/indent] [img]http://www1.pictures.zimbio.com/gi/Richard+Colson+Drai+LIVE+Presents+Weeknd+Exclusively+6egXqf32AEQl.jpg[/img] [color=006400]|[u] [b]{P L A C E O F O R I G I N}[/b] [/u]|[/color] [indent]Austin, Texas[/indent] [color=006400]|[u] [b]{H I S T O R Y}[/b] [/u]|[/color] [indent]Jay was born and raised in Texas, his father was a drunk who couldn’t keep a job and his mother was a waitress and junkie. His older brother, Ian, was his closest friend, only being a couple years apart they spent their childhood getting into trouble together. They were rarely supervised by their parents, and truancy was a frequent problem for both boys. From a young age, they learned to fend for themselves, stealing when needed and getting quite the beating from their father on the occasion that they got caught. Being brought home by the police was, in their parent’s eyes, the worse thing they could do. School was never a priority for either brother, but hard work wasn’t something they shied away from. After Ian got a job working at a farm, Jay quickly convinced his brother to get him a job there as well. Although Jay was only thirteen, his height helped him convince the owner that he was older than he looked. Jay preferred manual labor to school, and dropped out on his eighteenth birthday. Jay, having been held back twice wasn’t exactly close to graduation anyway. His brother had already dropped out and they both lived with a few other Austin punks in a small house. It was Ian who really introduced Jay to the punk scene and from that time on they found a tight community that was always there to help them out; from places to crash when things at home where a bit too much, to friends always willing to share a cig, bowel, or beer. Ian and Jay kept working on farms as well as selling weed to make enough money to scrap by, and eventually Ian went on to start selling harder stuff, and then using the harder stuff, as well. Jay was never in to the harder drugs, occasionally shroom trip or MDMA was one thing but as hard as he tried he couldn’t keep his brother away from heroin. Moving to New York had always been an eventually goal for the Kelly brothers, but after Ian died of an overdose Jay couldn’t stay in a city that never felt like home in the first place. So, at nineteen he sold everything he had except the bare necessities he cared in a backpack and moved to New York. He spent a year homeless in New York, trying to scrap enough together to start a new life and eventually got an apprenticeship with a tattoo artist. As a kid, Jay was always artistically talented; sketching, graffiti, and eventually when living with his brother and some friends he’d even messed around with a homemade tattoo gun from time to time. Suddenly things started to make sense, tattooing seemed like the right fit for him, although he still wasn’t making the kind of money he needed to live semi-comfortably in New York. So, he also got work bartending, and eventually answered a flyer from a local punk band looking for a drummer. Now after five years living in New York his life is starting to fall back together, he’s starting to become a respected tattoo artist, likes the shop he currently works at, and is really starting to feel like he’s found his home. [/indent][hr][/center][/hider] [hider=Jay's Relationships][hr][center][h1][color=006400][b]Jason Kelly[/b][/color][/h1] [img] https://i.pinimg.com/736x/a9/2b/8f/a92b8fda4253f82167a040d385149bc7--machine-guns-machine-gun-kelly-style.jpg[/img] [h3][b]{[/b][color=006400] | 24 | Kind/Stubborn/Loyal/Impulsive| [/color][b]}[/b][/h3][hr] ⚜ Acquaintances || ☯ Neutral || ☮ Friends || ♫ Best Friends || ♥ Love Interest || ♥♥♥ Boyfriend/Girlfriend || ☠ Enemies[/center][hr] {♫} [color=#A53C20][b]F A B I A N . G O N Z A L E Z[/b][/color] {♫} "Fabian, yeah I imagine he’s gonna be pretty pissed when he realizes I poured fish sauce in his body wash. All’s fair in a prank war, right? He’s a real good dude, there aren’t very many people I’d say this about, but he really is like having a brother." Fabian is not only one of Jay’s roommates but also a good friend, and ever since they’ve been roommates they’ve had a long running prank war going on. Jay certainly enjoys having a roommate that likes to cook and bake, as Jay likes to eat. Fabian is one of the few people he counts as family, the kind of family you chose which for Jay counts way more than blood relatives. Having lost his own brother, he doesn’t throw that word around lightly, but Fabian is one of two people who he counts as a brother. {☮} [color=#00746b][b]L A Y L A . G E L L E R[/b][/color] {☮} "Layla’s good people, she worries too much but I guess it comes from caring rather than being judgmental. She’s got a great eye, her work’s excellent, I know she’s gonna do great things with her talent." Jay like’s the company of other creative and talented artists and has a lot of respect for her craft. She seems to worry about people too much, always concerned with his occasionally questionable life choices, and that’s not something he used to having in his life so tries to laugh off her concern. She’s a good person and man, that pup of hers is pretty awesome as well. Jay likes to make sure he always has a treat for Piper in his pocket if he’s ever at Layla’s. {☮} [color=#F96711][b]C O R I N N E . S U L L I V A N[/b][/color] {☮} "Cori’s great, I like her style, you know for not being a punk, she’s pretty punk rock." Jay did a tattoo for Cori a couple years back and they ended up becoming pretty good friends afterwards. Jay likes her spirit, uninhibited and free, as well as always being fun to hang out with, whether it’s having a good at a bar or smoking up and keeping it mellow. She’s just easy to get along with and there’s never any bullshit with her. {⚜} [color=#662d91][b]A M E L I A . A R N A U[/b][/color] {⚜} "You know I can’t really say I know Amy all that well, she seems nice, definitely get good vibes from her. I think she’s into Batman but, you know, no one’s perfect." Although they hang out in the same group of people Jay’s never really gotten to know Amy all that well. It’s not purposeful, he certainly doesn’t have anything against her but they don’t seem to have a ton in common. She seems nice though and now that she’s rooming with Layla maybe he’ll get to know her a bit better. {☯} [color=#A36209][b]A D A M . S A M U E L S[/b][/color] {☯} "I guess he seems ok, for a cop, but he’s still a cop. I can’t exactly say I’d like to party with him but I wouldn’t say no to grabbing a beer with the guy." Although Jay tends to dislike cops and authority figures in general he tries not to hold Adam’s profession against him, he does seem like a solid dude. Jay does tend to get a little flighty around Adam, especially when he’s dressed in a uniform but he tries not to make his discomfort too obvious. He’s shared a few drinks with him here and there and Jay admires the man’s honesty. [/hider]