[@OrizaSaucer][@Delta44][@RemipaAwesome][@Amaranth][@Starlance][@Joker892][@Dealdric][@LetMeDoStuff] A squad member from bravo noticed movement on the rise up the mountain, were they marines? Soon they approached and began digging holes in the ground with knives, of course, they were being careful, his squad didn’t even bother to check. Lance Corporal smith called up the second lieutenant so that she may assess the situation. “Ma’am, marines have arrived.” Smith said with an orderly voice, he came to attention as she walked towards him, before he said anything he saluted her, she saluted back, Corporal Xi followed close behind. “Open up, we want them inside... now.”, she didn’t wait for a salute and instead walked back down towards the yard where a few marines had gathered, the wounded stayed inside with Dean. Smith called up the group of marines outside the outpost. “Welcome to outpost Sierra, we have food and weapons here, a doctor too if you need him.” He walked over to the gate control box and opened it, a clank and a rumble then the gate was open, he waited for the marines to enter before he closed it again.