[@CoyoteLovely][@Hekazu] [Center][color=fff200]Fionn Harken-[url=https://i.pinimg.com/originals/4c/0a/aa/4c0aaaffb374ed36742f3e16b9bcbc4e.jpg]KRS Wandering Guardian [/url] [/color][/center] [color=fff200]"Excellent!"[/color] Fionn said as he idly waved a hand at the open bay door. It closed significantly faster than it had opened, no need for the drama this time. Outside the air around the ship shimmered as the cloak reactivated. The physical gesture was not strictly necessary as the ship responded to the mental command of any registered crew members. However Fionn had discovered that most people found it less creepy if they had some visible sign to attribute the vessel's obedience to. A slight hum ran through the deckplates beneath their feet as he turned Grug. The orc seemed to be settling in to meditate for the duration of the trip. Never one to be a bad host he spoke up. [color=fff200]"If you need anything or have any questions feel free to ask them. Speak your request aloud and your needs will be seen to. Now if you will excuse me Oracle, I have some things that need seeing to."[/color] He gave a slight bow and turned once more, this time heading for the nearest door out of the cargo bay. Said doorway looked like nothing more than an archway set into the material of the wall. The silver white metal within appearing no different to that outside. But when Fionn approached it the metal split along a nonexistent seam and slid into the walls on either side. The Captain and single crew member of the ship called over his shoulder as he walked. [color=fff200]"Why don't we start with the bridge? I need to head there anyway, Guardian always throws a fit whenever I try to command major ship functions anywhere else. And you can poke and prod at whatever you feel like along the way. Anything that might be disrupted by an active magical aura is so heavily shielded you'd need access codes and an engineering degree to get at it." [/color]He paused before continuing in a thoughtful tone. [color=fff200]"Or heavy weapons."[/color]