[center][h3][color=aba000]Nicodemus Hathaway[/color][/h3] Interacting With;[@Agent 47][@Silvan Haven][/center][hr] The Eldritch being's hidden eyes focused on the blinking red dot that represented an active crime in what was clearly the section of the city referred to as death row. He leaned forward and placed his hands on the desk nearby, hunching over it as he read the lines of text accompanying the large red dot. Not a particularly large amount of detail was being provided, which wasn't surprising; aside from the reports of gun-fire and the address of the warehouse it was occurring at, nothing was acutely described. This was exactly why Nicodemus tended to focus on taking out higher ups in the criminal scene; mob-bosses, local kingpins, etc. There was a wealth of information that could be provided for those cases, which allowed Eld Fen's visits to be as devastating as they often were. Alas, that didn't seem to be the way the evening would progress. [color=aba000]"Going in alone is suicide, I'm not good for crowd control. When Olive is up I'll take us in."[/color] He said, answering Guardian's question before his attention turned to his now-awake associate. [color=aba000]"Speak of the Devil."[/color] He murmured softly with a chuckle, shaking his head softly at her request for a late-night snack. [color=aba000]"I'm afraid none of the Local places would be too keen serving an abomination and a giant vigilante, perhaps we can find a drive-through."[/color] He responded jokingly, before offering a hand to his two companions; contact was required for him to teleport others with him, and the rest of the Saints knew this well enough. [color=aba000]"Shall we be off then?"[/color]