[center][b]Haruhi Suzumori[/b][/center] [center][b]Kirigakure Genin[/b][/center] [center][b]Team 14[/b][/center] [b]"''Our first mission to retrieve a scroll that has been taken by some bandits, after they managed to raid a simple trade ship. The scroll isn't that of big importance as it is about a simple water technique. However, its a mission where we need to take out the bandits. A mission that is your test. The hide-out is around twelve kilometers from the south of Kirigakure. Anybody has a question, heavy mental problem or urge to say something before we go? Then I know who is at least not capable of having a brain...''[/b] Haruhi listened closely to the words of her sensei.. Her first day as a team and they were already sent on a mission that HAD to be higher than D-Ranked. It excited her to no end and she couldn't help the smile that came to her face. [b][i]This is going to be so great! I'll get a chance to see what my teammates are capable of...and also, this will be a good test for me to see how ready i am to be a real shinobi like Hayashi sensei. I cannot let my team down! [/i][/b] Then a thought came to her head but she frowned at her sensei's lats words. If she asked, would it make her look stupid or something? With a sigh she just kept the thought to herself. She didnt really want to look like an idiot. But this particular matter was really troubling her. Hayashi sensei had said that they needed to "take out" those bandits. Did that mean they had to [i]kill[/i] them? She didnt know if she had it in her if it came down to that. Killing people isint what she wanted to do as a shinobi...she wanted to protect others. And she had no right to choose wether another man or woman got to live another day. Even if they were bandits...she couldnt take their lives.