[center][hr][hr] [url=https://fontmeme.com/futuristic-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/171113/3f6d10b7e87299fbefcb57166337f888.png[/img][/url] [hr] [url=https://fontmeme.com/futuristic-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/171113/415dee793718ffffe064c804ed1d22c0.png[/img][/url][hr][hr][/center] Kwan’s Type-97 was like any other which bore the designation only its interior varied due to her personal adjustments, some even to accommodate her unusual height. She had slid into the cockpit the first time a couple of years ago and she felt more at home in her seat then she felt anywhere else and her suit fit like her skin. She checked her Support cannon’s ammo clip remembering when her instructor once trapped her in a launch with an empty clip that could only be noticed in a visual. Sure it was unlikely she’d have the cascade of faults he’d set up but it was the small things that killed a pilot. Next she checked her scope and verified it was functioning and as she braced for launch checked out the focus setting and the twitch setting that were the difference between a tight grouping and exposing herself to return fire. Grace was her Unit’s name and she was named after Sgt Grace of the 4th Georgia rifles who was the legendary American sniper who killed the highest ranking soldier. Grace was calibrated by her mistress and her need to do her job to the best of her ability and was an extension of the Amazon that sat at her controls. Once all systems were checked Kwan announced [i][color=AB200F]”Wolf - 11 Launch”[/color][/i] Soon she was skimming NOE so closely that leaves and other loose debris spun in her slipstream behind her tumbling in the TSF’s wake. She knew she was entering a combat zone the clues abundantly furnished by the fragments of a nearby unit raining down around her. Soon she was coming to a stop in a good position to support her teammates and hide 3/4s of her Fubuki from return fire as she began a sweep of the area seeking her first target while keeping an eye on Wolf-5-9- and 7 for any change in position or status.