[hr] [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/170829/546da9ebde6a8bf8f4ad21820a4703fa.png[/img] [img]http://31.media.tumblr.com/b5620d22cae1e3ab16e06933d1dd5f06/tumblr_mlvfrtv74s1s9wgpdo1_500.gif[/img] [@Apoalo][@Morose][@BlackPanther][@FantasyChic][@LokiLeo789][@BlueSky44][@Infamous Auror][@Dragoknighte][@rivaan] Time: [i]1:05PM[/i][/center] [hr][hr] [@FantasyChic][@Infamous Auror] If they looked closer at the mine it looked like some parts could easily just crumble and cave in, as they stood there both Finley and Declan would start to hear some voices. Then from another trail they would see a group of five hunters some of them carrying some game, a few rabbits, a couple of birds as well as a tackle box what smelled like a bunch of fish. They carried what looked like hunting rifles as well as some fishing gear to, they weren't really from town either and they seemed to be pretty lost. One of them turned to look at Finley and Declan. "Hey you kids, happen to know where town is by any chance also a good place to eat as well?" One of them asked and what appeared to be an older man with graying and balding hair. One of them looked like a middle aged man, and then two of them appeared to be close to Finley and Declan's age. [@Morose] When Jenna walked into the shop, it had a very awful moldy smell on the shelves everywhere there looked to be somethings that were from antique stores. There were also a few weirder things such as a couple of human skeletons that looked like they belonged to a high school health classroom. Then at the counter towards the back of the store was a [url=http://www.billboard.com/files/media/Reba-McEntire-the-voice-pr-billboard-2016-1548.jpg]red haired woman[/url], she was known to everyone as Ms. Halsey, she seemed to be muttering something to herself as she started searching around for something behind the counter and on the floor. The woman was known to act very weird and acentric at times, sometimes people thought that she was a witch or something. Then she perked up and noticed Jenna coming into the store and smiled as she left behind the counter. "Ah hello there young one! What can I do for you today?" She asked as she looked Jenna up and down to get a look at her. [@BlueSky44] James looked down at Allie for a moment giving the dog a gentle and loving pet before looking up at Lydia and gave her a slight shrug. He really didn't have much to do today, and looking at the old house seemed to be fine enough. "I don't mind, please lead the way." James said giving Lydia a friendly smile, as he took a quick look at the letter and started to walk along the main road out of town. They would make it there with no real problems, as they got to the old and creepy looking [url=https://previews.123rf.com/images/searmstrong/searmstrong0908/searmstrong090800009/5329239-old-run-down-deteriorated-farm-house-shed-Stock-Photo-barn.jpg]house[/url], James stood there for a moment and then looked over at Lydia for a moment. "You sure this is the right place, it looks like it hasn't been used in a really long ass time." James said. [@Dragoknighte] Jeanna seems to be headed over to her room to grab something, she wasn't there for that long and quickly started to head out of the room. Seemed like she was heading out again as well, the drive over towards the lake wouldn't be any problem at all once Harry had gotten there he would see that Olivia and the others have been there for awhile as well. Harry would also notice Abe's car there as well, but it seems that he wasn't among the group either. [hr][hr] [center][h1][color=steelblue]Abraham Serafin[/color][/h1] [img]https://media3.giphy.com/media/cb9G5fsueTFLi/giphy.gif[/img] [I]Location: Outside town hall where the crime scene was. Interacting With: [@rivaan] Kosara Koleva[/I][/center] [hr][hr] Abraham looked towards Kosara as she mentioned a case of hers back in the Balkans, he had seen his own fair share of werewolf attacks as well. [color=steelblue]"I've had some cases back when I was in my prime something similar to that as you mentioned. They usually do that to try and get more numbers, hunters tend to try and go for an entire pack."[/color] Abraham said as he turned back and started to continue to try and pick up another trail or something that belonged to Riley. Abraham looked towards his niece once more when she mentioned finding the girl infected that they would have to kill her. [color=steelblue]"Yeah I know, if she got bit we need to put her down right away."[/color] Abraham said, the only thing he really did hate about his job was that if they were young people that had been attacked they would end up having to be put down. He certainly had to do that a number of times in the past, as they walked Abe the stopped for a moment and saw what looked like a torn piece of clothing on the ground near a bush. Kneeling down he picked it up and inspected it, it looked like it was about a week old around the time Riley had disappeared. [hr][hr] [center][h1][color=lightgreen]Olivia Johnson[/color][/h1] [img]https://68.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m82kymS22v1qhsmbwo1_250.gif[/img] [I]The Lake Interacting With: [@BlackPanther] Clifford Norman [@Apoalo] Leo Everwood[@Infamous Auror] Taylor Evers & [@LokiLeo789] Joey Holloway[/I][/center] [hr][hr] Olivia looked towards Taylor she couldn't help but just smirk and let out a soft laugh, she always did truly enjoy getting under her friends skin about their love life. [color=lightgreen]"I did nothing."[/color] Olivia said teasingly as she looked towards the others there, then she raised an eyebrow when she noticed Clifford running off to the woods. She was tempted to go and run after him and tell him to stick together, she really didn't want anyone to go off alone. She was responsible for everyone here as well. Then she noticed what looked like a red dog coming out from the woods, she raised an eyebrow, as she started to wonder where Cliff had ran off to. Then she started to remember Taylor had mentioned another wolf, looking at the red dog for a few moments, noticing the purple collar around it's neck. It was probably nothing as Olivia approached Clifford she kneeled down to gently pet him, though she didn't know that it was actually Clifford. Her attention then turned to everyone that was there, rubbing the back of her neck for a moment she didn't want to see everyone else run off. [color=lightgreen]"Alright so everyone we are going to stick close together, I say we sweep through the northern end of the lake first, then make our way east of the lake after that as well."[/color]