Do'rhajul shook his head. "No, I quickly realized that would be foolish. I could not control the corruption within me. I would have killed them, or someone else. I failed them. My wife came from poverty, and I wanted to give her and our daughter the kind of life they could have only dreamed of. Then, those werewolves took that away from them, and they took my family from me. If you want to know the reason I accepted Vile's offer when it was presented to me, it was because of rage. My rage towards the lycans that had cursed me. What right did they have to take away everything I had done? All of my dreams, everything I had worked for. Everyone grows up knowing lycans are monsters. Our parents tell us the stories of men who turn to beasts and eat up little cubs who stay out playing in the woods past their bedtime. It did not take much convincing for me to agree to fight you. Then, we started hearing reports of lycan populations growing all over Tamriel. The cultists' story seemed rather believable. Now...I realize that it would have been better for everyone if those werewolves had just killed me outright." The Cathay-raht ran his claws through the dirt, staring in silence for a few moments. "That is surely the fate that was written in the Imperial records. For an officer like myself, I imagine my wife received a personal visit from a Legionnaire to inform her of my death and console her. Perhaps she was able to invest the compensation she received to start that store she was always talking about. She deserved that much. When I die, I desire for my remains to be burned quickly, to erase any chance of her learning of what I have become."