"My name is Sabine. Call me Sabine, not 'lycan,'" Sabine said. Some defiance showed through her shaky voice. "You surrendered to me, not the lycans. You do not get to say what I should and should not care about." Sabine breathed in. She attempted to level herself. "Vile has not given up on us. He has not given up on you, either. He has the souls he needs from us but he is not stopping there. He wants to topple the towers. He wants to swallow all of Mundus. Cyrodiil, the Dominion, Nirn, everything. That is why we were here in High Rock to begin with. We were finding what we needed to stop him. I do not care if the horrible war is finished because the fighting is not finished." Impassioned, Sabine raised her voice. "So you do not get to run away! If you are so guilty, you should make things right! Revenge is useless to us! Everyone wants revenge. It is the main reason why there is so much pain and killing. It makes hurt people hurt others! I hate it! If I get to decide your fate, I do not want revenge on you. I say you have to help us! When you do, you will get to save the lives of everyone in the world. Everyone in the Empire! Even your family. And you still care about them, so do not lie and tell me you would rather die. You would be a coward to them after you spent everything you had to get them back. And after all the effort you did before you did monstrous things I want you to be remembered as something better. Because even if imperial records will not say anything, [i]we[/i] will remember. [i]We[/i] know what you did. Most will not forgive you, but..." She was ranting. Sabine lowered her head. She was weeping again. "...but I will," she ended softly. "Because I am sorry your life got taken away. I am so sorry. And I do not think anyone has said that to you for too long."