[@WolfLover] [@Ejected] [@Hero] [@Joker892] [@Helo] [h3]Got my character finished, finally and here's the relations chart as promised. I'd really like it if you guys would place this underneath your characters within the character tab and discuss relations with one another via PM. :) Can't wait to see what everyone comes up with.[/h3] [hider=Character's Name Relations][code][.hr][center][h1][color=???][b]Character Name[/b][/color][/h1] [img]IMG or GIF[/img] [h3][b]{[/b] | Age | Personality Traits | [b]}[/b][/h3][.hr] ⚜ Acquaintances || ☯ Neutral || ☮ Friends || ♫ Best Friends || ♥ Love Interest || ♥♥♥ Boyfriend/Girlfriend || ☠ Enemies[/center][.hr] {Symbol} [color=#A53C20][b]F A B I A N . G O N Z A L E Z[/b][/color] {Symbol} "Character thoughts on relation." Describe the relation here. 3+ sentences. {Symbol} [color=#00746b][b]L A Y L A . G E L L E R[/b][/color] {Symbol} "Character thoughts on relation." Describe the relation here. 3+ sentences. {Symbol} [color=#F96711][b]C O R I N N E . S U L L I V A N[/b][/color] {Symbol} "Character thoughts on relation." Describe the relation here. 3+ sentences. {Symbol} [color=#662d91][b]A M E L I A . A R N A U[/b][/color] {Symbol} "Character thoughts on relation." Describe the relation here. 3+ sentences. {Symbol} [color=#A36209][b]A D A M . S A M U E L S[/b][/color] {Symbol} "Character thoughts on relation." Describe the relation here. 3+ sentences. {Symbol} [color=#006400][b]J A S O N . K E L L Y[/b][/color] {Symbol} "Character thoughts on relation." Describe the relation here. 3+ sentences.[/code][/hider]