"You're tellin' me. This is definitely a decent place to sleep for a night if needed, but," Isaac looked around the lightly creaking warehouse, "It's empty." "Is that bad?" Louis asked, fidgeting with a hole in his jacket. "Not bad, but not surprising. Since I left, they haven't had much luck by the looks of it." Dragging his finger across a broken industrial packing box, Isaac flipped it to a solid side, and gently sat on top. Three large windows on both sides of a two story warehouse beamed in light, illuminating the entire warehouse from the cold concrete floor. "So," Isaac's voice echoed, "Let's talk about what you can do." Louis looked down at his hands, "We figured out something in your apartment." "Yes, you have the ability to go boom. But that can't be it," Isaac responded, while rubbing his eyes. "If it is, you'll do phenomenally in the military." Louis smirked and began pacing back and forth, and almost clapped his hands together, but stopped and put his hands by his side. Isaac leaned back, and sighed with a smile. "You're gonna put me on edge man," Isaac relaxed his back "But I suppose I should tell you a little about me, since you told me some stuff about you in my apartment." Isaac hopped up and began walking lightly around Louis, "I kinda began in a pretty crap place. Y'know, bad house, bad neighborhood, and bad people all around. But I always had more motivation, so I did good in school, got picked on, the usual." Isaac began looking at the ceiling towards the damaged industrial lights, "When I wanted to go to college, I needed a way to fund it, so me and a few old pals got together and sold the usual street stuff. It grew into a manufacturing thing, then somehow splintered into nothing more than a bunch of thieves." He began to fidget one hand in his pocket and another on the bridge of his nose, "Not, not my greatest achievement, but I got in school and paid it all in cash. Now the school pays me to do research. So now I'm banking and the others-" "LEFT HIGH AND DRY!" Isaac and Louis spun around, their eyes met with four strangers, dressed in ragged jackets and jeans. "If I remember right, despite a pounding ass headache, that [i]'I would be safer in jail'[/i]?" Isaac stepped in front of Louis, "Matt, listen-" "No, no no no. You don't get to speak." One of the male strangers spoke out in a familiar tone. "Big shot kiddo leavin' us in the dirt. Mista big money bags ain't good no mo' to his [i]real[/i] friends." Another male stranger hissed with a growl. "We had faith in you man, we believed in you. Now you're running with some half-wit piece of sh-" The last female voice muttered "HEY!" Louis barked. "Calm down pup, you ain't worth it," Matt hissed "But he is. Go snag his ass." Two of the figures moved forward around the beams of light from the windows, Isaac slowly moved away from Louis and lined up with the two figures in the shadows. About 10 feet from Louis, Isaac could feel his blood running, adrenaline surging through his body, ready for fight. Isaac's vision split into fractals, but no vibrations this time. [i]Ok, ok, ok, now isn't the time, but hell, I suppose I can't ignore it now.[/i] Isaac thought to himself quickly as he concentrated on the person to his right. The fractal morphed into a view point, but now in Isaac's eye, he was looking at himself, getting closer and closer. Isaac then solely focused on that image. [i]I'm, I'm seeing myself getting closer. I'm in her head.[/i] Time seemed to slow down, Isaac noticed every twitch she was making. She made a quick look down and shook her head ever-so-slightly. He was in and she knew something was off. [i]The headache. Louis. Matt. Now her.[/i] Isaac began to flex his hand, and he noticed that the girl was flexing her hand too. With each clenching grip he made, so did she. Time sped back up, and Isaac stood firm, pulling his fist back to strike. Without missing a beat, the girl continued walking forward, but her head went limp, rolled, and came back up. She swung her arm around and clothes-lined her partner, connecting to his lower neck, slamming him to the ground on his back. Sluggishly and limp, she loosely stood there. The fractal in his vision showing the man on the floor, holding the back of his head. The man yelling curses through her darkened eyes. [i]I can work with this.[/i]