[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/UpuKcJT.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/kzMcwXo.png[/img][hr] [color=silver][b]Tag:[/b][/color] [@LemonZest1337] [@OrizaSaucer] [color=silver][b]Location:[/b][/color] U.A. High School, Class 1-A [color=silver][b]Quirk:[/b][/color] Beyond the Barrier (Psionic)[/center][hr] [color=silver][b]Y[/b][/color]usuke smirked at her insults at first, however, as they devolved into something far worse... his smirk faded. Though it didn't matter considering the surgical mask that hid his mouth. Instead, it was the sharp cold nature of his eyes that had spelled out his next actions. A palpitation in his chest thrummed and pained him, yet it resounded throughout the classroom clearly. [b]H[/b]is hand fell into his pocket and with it a wave of intent saturated the air. [color=silver][i]I'll break her,[/i][/color] came a darker voice in his mind. [b]A[/b]ll of this transpired a second after she closed her eyes. That cold indifference was more of a middle-finger than anything else. No one who mentioned his sickness in such away had gotten away it.... but she would. [b]H[/b]e'd let her. [b]T[/b]he feeling vanished just as quickly as it came; like a wayward breeze. [color=silver][b]Y[/b][/color]usuke turned his attention back to Mr. Winchester. [color=silver][b]"That question wasn't for [i]you[/i], Karen. It's for, Mr. Winchester,"[/b][/color] he told her, remaining in place.