hello yes i am interested in your spices [hider=Dex] [center][h1][img]http://i.imgur.com/qfnlaBR.png[/img][/h1] [img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/cee0ae130eb639fda762bf544ea67f06/tumblr_nvmgl1Paur1tp2ceno1_500.jpg[/img] [h1][color=gold]╚══════════════╝[/color][/h1] [i]"Everyone’s life, no matter how unremarkable, has a moment when it will become extraordinary—a single encounter after which everything that really matters will happen."[/i] [color=gold][h3][ [b]18[/b] | [b]5'10[/b] | [b]Canadian[/b] | [b]Fuck you Allen I identify as a lamp[/b] | [b]174lbs[/b] ][/h3][/color] [h1][i][color=gold][Contentment][/color][/i][/h1][/center] [h3][u][b][color=gold] APPEARANCE [/color][/b][/u][/h3] [i]"Dress like you're going to get laid, even if you're not."[/i] [indent][indent]Dexter takes pride in his presentable appearance and overall it's no wonder he took home the "Best take home to parents" senior superlative. Dex always dresses with a 'smart-casual' look to him. He tends to gravitate towards henley shirts, flannels, jeans or khakis, and closed toed shoes. During the colder days, he tends to like to dress with tasteful use of leather. He's renowned for oftentimes shopping with his mother (sometimes earning him a title of a 'mama's boy'), but it has paid off with well fitting clothing and a top notch sense of what looks good and what doesn't. To top it all off, the guy even manages to smell good regularly. Fancy that? Dexter stands at around 5'10, putting him comfortably in the upper-average range for a male in the USA. While he might not stand out as the most straight up attractive man in town, he is certainly doing well for himself and often makes an effort to be presentable on the daily. He's not jock-muscular, but he's got a masculine and youthful physique, which certainly earns him some bonus points. Catching Dexter looking mussed up is like spotting a unicorn, and oftentimes if he is off his game, everyone else is too. [/indent][/indent] [h3][u][b][color=gold] PSYCHOLOGY [/color][/b][/u][/h3] [i]"And god please help me enjoy this, life is more than a sequence of waiting for things to be done."[/i] [indent][indent][indent] [b][color=gold]AN ACTUAL PERSONALITY SECTION HOLY SHIT ⫻[/color][/b] Dex has always been the 'golden boy' to his peers, the parents, and in part to the town. It's not anything he's doing that's specifically good, but he's always been what most would consider normal. Had he been in different surroundings in a different school, he would have been one of those really popular kids that are popular purely because they've always just kinda gotten on pretty well with everyone. Some would say that he was the Jay Leno of Grand Ridge Academy because he doesn't bother anyone, and that's usually a spot on argument. Dexter just doesn't have any reason to piss people off. He's somehow managed to have pretty good or neutral relations with just about everyone and avoid the drama that inevitably came from high school. Dexter is a people person, and the reason why is that almost every part of him is generally genuine. He tends to have a trustworthy vibe because as far as most of the town is aware he's never gone behind someone's back. Dexter's persona in conversation is humble and quietly intelligent, preferring to act ignorant rather than show his knowledge of things. He's not the smartest person around but if his ability to dress is anything to go by he's certainly a candidate for one of the hardest working. He got through high school seemingly without outward seniorits or procrastination. Overall Dexter would be defined as 'good kid' to the adult population, but as with most popular people 'good kid' isn't a better description. 'Good kids' are 'bad kids' that don't get caught. This statement applies to Dex as with any other young man. He likes girls, goes to parties, participates in youthful shenanigans, and drinks socially. He refuses to do drugs though, for reasons that are relatively unclear to most of the populace. However, usually those who see him in such environments don't care enough to put much thought into it. [b][color=gold]MAIN GOAL ⫻[/color][/b] Dex's goal is to fully move past the deaths in his family, and to one day help others do the same. [b][color=gold]PHILOSOPHY ⫻[/color][/b] "Literally just listen to the 'Sunscreen' Song. It'll help." [b][color=gold]SECRETS ⫻[/color][/b] Dexter visits a cliff near the base of the mountain, only a hundred feet up or so, daily, from 8:30-9:30, if weather permits. [b][color=gold]DESIRES ⫻[/color][/b] That ass. [b][color=gold]SEXUALITY ⫻[/color][/b] Straight. [b][color=gold]FEARS ⫻[/color][/b] Losing his mother. She's all he has left. [b][color=gold]REPUTATION ⫻[/color][/b] Very good. [b][color=gold]PET PEEVES ⫻[/color][/b] Dexter really, really doesnt like talking about his sister or dad. [b][color=gold]QUIRKS ⫻[/color][/b] His daily habit functions almost as a coping mechanism and in a sense he always thinks something bad will happen if he doesnt visit. Rainy, bad days can be bad for Dexter as a result of this, oftentimes putting him on edge and making him easily upset. [/indent][/indent][/indent] [h3][u][b][color=gold] BACKSTORY [/color][/b][/u][/h3] [i]"Shit happens."[/i] [indent][indent]Dexter was raised under a set of ideals: A warrior's spirit; a servant's heart; a fun-loving attitude. Dexter was born into a middle class home in Farmer Hill, Montana to a fairly youthful marriage. A year after Dexter was born, his little sister came into the world. Unfortunately, due to the unfortunate circumstances, his sister was born with a plethora of crippling health problems. As Dexter grew up, he was taught many lifelong lessons by his family and sister. Namely, patience and empathy, as she was confined to a wheel chair. His sister's various disabilities and sickly predisposition made it impossible for him and his family to live a conventionally normal life for a long time. Just when things were starting to even out at the start of middle school, Dexter's father passed away while commuting home from work- killed in a car crash. Worse yet, his sister's breathing apparatus suffered a malfunction only a few months later. With her brain starved of oxygen, Dexter's sister had been left brain dead. The already broken family was forced to make another heart wrenching choice, and then the family of four had been down to two. The family was never the same after that. Him and his mother bonded over such a time of trial, and he deeply cares for his mother as a result. He picked up his dad's dusty old guitar and began reading like his sister. It didn't fill the void they left behind, but it was a coping mechanism that worked and helped. Neither Dexter nor his mother let their loved ones' passing slow them down forever, choosing instead to live on happily in their names. Dexter and his mother still live relatively happy and somewhat normal lives all things considered. Due to health and life insurances his family had put in place before any of the incidents, what was left of his family was left very financially stable. They still remain in the same house, but as a result Dexter has been given the opportunity to get his Private Pilot's license through high school and plans to attend a renowned flight school for college. Due to the necessary evil of commuting (since Farmer's Hill does not have any flight schools in the town), he and his mother purchased a car for his own personal use. A cherry red Mazda Miata from 2013. It's a lifestyle, baby. So, yeah. Shit happens, and sometimes he wished it had happened to someone else. Life dealt him some shitty cards and he focused more on mastering his hand than complaining about a cruddy deck. He was pretty happy through high school- made easy friends with most people, got a car, worked hard, got good grades, found a passion for music and work, and noticed that 'hey that some girls are actually really cute.' Yeah, I'd say he's doing pretty alright so far too. [/indent][/indent] [h3][u][b][color=gold] SKILLS & TALENTS [/color][/b][/u][/h3] [i]"I'm basically a stay at home mom."[/i] [indent][indent][indent] [b][color=gold]Cooking ⫻[/color][/b] Dexter's mom went through her fair share of recovery after their loss, and still does from time to time. As a result, there has been a number of times where he was left to fend for himself. He's found a pretty good amount of joy in cooking, and while he's no master chef, he'd be lying if he said he hadn't watched a fair number of cooking programs. [b][color=gold]Aviation ⫻[/color][/b] His family is very well off, and Dexter has started his journey into aviation. He is certified and trained to fly aircraft. His training has made him adept at multitasking, and exceptional in a crisis. [/indent][/indent][/indent] [h3][u][b][color=gold] ABSTRACTION [/color][/b][/u][/h3] [i]"Oooooh shiny..."[/i] [indent][indent] [b][color=gold]SIGIL & LOCATION ⫻[/color][/b] Dexter has [url=https://pleiadeanlight.files.wordpress.com/2012/11/goldgoldensymboledited-1.jpg]this symbol[/url] on the nape of his neck. [b][color=gold]ABSTRACTION ⫻[/color][/b] Light Manipulation [b][color=gold]ABSTRACTION DESCRIPTION ⫻[/color][/b] Dexter can create, shape and manipulate visible light, commonly referred to as light, is electromagnetic radiation that is visible to the human eye, and is responsible for the sense of sight. The most common manifestation of his powers is the generation of soft light from his hands, or quick, incredibly bright flashes that can feel like turning your phone on at max brightness in the dark unexpectedly to a true flash bang. Dexter can also instinctually concentrate this light into a maximum of five shots that can apply second degree burns. Depending on the intensity of the laser, he can have more than five shots. [b][color=gold]IN THE PRESENCE OF THE MOUNTAIN ⫻[/color][/b] In the presence of the mountain Dexter's abilities get more powerful, his shot limit rises, and the lasers he generates become deadly. His abilities also begin to spread into the realms of heat and electricity. He can generate and control small fires and bounce electricity between his hands. [b][color=gold]AURA SENSING ⫻[/color][/b] Dexter's ability is pure energy, and in that sense, Dexter has the ability to sense the energy of other Awakened within a fifty meter radius of his person. [b][color=gold]LIMITS ⫻[/color][/b] Dexter's laser beams are relatively close ranged, after around two-meters, the laser beams will lose power. The further they go, the less dangerous they get, to the point where, after ten meters, it becomes no more dangerous than a laser pointer. He also cannot pull light from nothing, but instead he has to absorb light into his being. He has an inner-light of sort that he draws power from, and he needs to feed it other light sources for it to work. [b][color=gold]WEAKNESSES ⫻[/color][/b] While he can't suffer eye damage from his Abstraction, there's nothing preventing Dexter from being blinded by his own light. So, he can impair his vision as much as his enemies if he isn't careful. In addition, drawing light builds up heat where he fired the beam. To the point where he can give himself third degree burns. [/indent][/indent] [h3][u][b][color=gold] OTHER [/color][/b][/u][/h3] [i]"Allen's gay."[/i] [indent][indent][/indent][/indent] [/hider]