Just as everything was getting settled, a girl named Ritzy made an entrance claiming to be a star. Max and Belle just giggled as the girl made a scene. She seemed less jerkish than Alex at least... He hen resumed his attention on the teacher and his explanations on typing, Max already knew his types, but he still liked hearring about Fairy's immunity to Dragon type attacks. It was the reason he specialized in Fairy types to begin with. The idea of cutesey fairies taking down monstrous Dragons was a dream come true for Max. [i]Who cares why it exists, it does![/i] The boy thought with a smirk, of the teachers comment about how strange it was. The class ended with a homework assignment that required him to battle with one of his dormmates. That sounded like a fun assignment, and a good way to get to know the people he be living with this semester. Now they had until 1 PM of time to kill. He got out of his seat, and walked out into the hallway. Belle the Togetic following closely. He headed to the dorms to claim a room before all the good ones were taken.