[center][img]http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-nPgzXDExGhU/UYN-sCRrSkI/AAAAAAAAQZM/Ej-JnEbbwB8/s1600/Freedom+flag.bmp[/img] November, 1939[/center] [b]Trade Missions[/b] The United States has dispatched trade missions to a number of international partners around the world in an effort to increase trade with the following nations: - Gran Columbia [@Wernher] - The Kingdom of Hungary [@Brithwyr] - Yugoslavia [@Arca10Tales] - Empire of Japan [@Freedomlander] - British Empire [@FrostedCaramel] - The Italian Social Republic [@InvaderXYZ] - Switzerland [@WelcmeToGudBrgr] - Republic of Turkey [@Ahrixis] - Republic of Mexico [@Malta307] - Republic of Cuba [@Malta307] - China [@Malta307] - Russian Empire [@Malta307] - Sweden [@Malta307] - Finland [@Malta307] - Norway [@Malta307] - France [@Malta307]