[h1][center][color=RoyalBlue][u]MARVEL: KNIGHTS OF NEW YORK[/u][/color][/center][/h1] [h3][color=DarkOrchid][b][center]VENOM[/center][/b][/color][/h3] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/1xsgtqL.jpg[/img][/center] [hr] [h3][center][u][color=DarkOrchid]CHARACTER BIO:[/color][/u][/center][/h3] S.H.I.E.L.D. Anomalous Activity File: SW8-0584 Entity Codename: "Venom" [color=DarkOrchid][b]Real Name:[/b][/color] Unknown. So far, no one who has encountered the Venom entity has remained conscious for more than a few seconds, let alone long enough to attempt conversation. [color=DarkOrchid][b]Age:[/b][/color] Unknown. Given its fairly recent emergence, it is believed that the Venom entity has only existed in its current state for less than a month. It is possible, however, that the entity has existed in one or more different states for much longer. [color=DarkOrchid][b]Gender:[/b][/color] Unknown. Given its unusual properties, it is not certain that the Venom entity is even human, though its basic build and profile suggest a human (or at least humanoid) male as the basis for its form. [color=DarkOrchid][b]Powers, Abilities, and Gear:[/b][/color] Unknown. So far, the Venom entity has demonstrated several abilities similar to those of Spider-Man-- superhuman strength and agility, the ability to adhere to any surface, and an almost preternatural sense of incoming danger--but the similarities end there. Venom's outer bio-mass appears to be fluid and possibly alive, able to mimic Spider-Man's synthetic webbing, but also able to change shape and turn the entity's hands into claws or blades, or harden into armor that can deflect high-caliber machine gun fire at point-blank range. By all reports the entity seems to be impervious to conventional weapons, but one unconfirmed report did mention spotting the entity retreating from fire. Further study is required. [color=DarkOrchid][b]Origin:[/b][/color] Unknown. Some connection to the vigilante Spider-Man is likely, given the entity's appearance, as well as its emergence nearly a year to the day from the incident on the George Washington Bridge. However, at this point all theories regarding the Venom entity's exact nature and origin are baseless speculation. What is known is that the entity is claiming an increasingly large swath of territory in Brooklyn as its hunting ground, attacking criminal organizations in the area. SHIELD checkpoints have been set up in an attempt to capture and contain the entity, but have been unsuccessful-- in fact, they have resulted in several operatives critically injured. While so far no deaths have been reported in regards to Venom's activities, the entity seems to revel in the use of excessive force against its victims, often leaving them with permanent injuries or in comatose states, and has little regard for collateral damage or endangering civilians. It is advised that a way to contain or neutralize the Venom entity be found before the situation escalates further. [hr] [h3][center][u][color=DarkOrchid]STORY INFO:[/color][/u][/center][/h3] [color=DarkOrchid][b]High Concept:[/b][/color] The story will start as a mystery surrounding Venom's identity and origin, and as more is revealed, it will turn to a character drama and hopefully a redemption story. At its heart, Venom has always been about different characters at their lowest point and how they deal with it, whether they overcome their inner demons or get consumed by them, and I plan on exploring that from a few different angles, from the person inside the suit and the people surrounding him. [color=DarkOrchid][b]Motivation and Conflict:[/b][/color] Venom is lashing out, in pain and anger and frustration at its own being, amplified by the torment of its host. More than anything, it wants to be at peace, but it can never be so because the entity's very nature requires it to be at war with itself. [color=DarkOrchid][b]Notes:[/b][/color] To be filled out as the story progresses. [hr] [center][h3][u][color=DarkOrchid]PLAYER INFO:[/color][/u][/h3][/center] [b][color=DarkOrchid]Player Name:[/color][/b] AndyC [b][color=DarkOrchid]Preferred Contact Method:[/color][/b] Private message or Discord [b][color=DarkOrchid]Why [i]This[/i] Character?:[/color][/b] Venom has been one of my favorite characters ever since I laid eyes on him, and frankly, I've wanted to tell this story for [i]years[/i]. [b][color=DarkOrchid]What Can You Bring to the RPG?:[/color][/b] Apart from running the game, I can bring solid character work, intricate plotting, and fun fights and/or team-ups with virtually anyone.