[h1]Edelweiss[/h1] Guten Morgen Menschen Von Deutschland, This morning families of sailors and soldiers found on their door step a white flower, a medal, and a letter. The flower is the Edelweiss, a flower that grows high in the mountains, a flower of hope and purity, the medal depicts 4 German men, one in SS uniform, one of the Kriegsmarine, one from the Wehrmacht, and one from the Luftwaffe, these men are marching in front of our flag. [img]http://static.zoonar.com/img/www_repository3/95/31/37/10_c396870837286a6af31209e3f46cd708.jpg[/img] Edelweiss Flower [hr] [h2] State of war[/h2] [h3] Losses [/h3] In the battle at sea we lost 5 ships, with the British losing 1 destroyer The five lost ships are 4 destroyers and 1 heavy cruiser, the Admiral Scheer the remaining ships have anchored in Italian ports. [img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/95/2c/a4/952ca4bf1899597db2bb80ac11951345--uss-hornet-heavy-cruiser.jpg[/img] Heavy Crusier Sinking On land we lost 4 infantry divisions, and 1 light tank division. [hr] [h3] Gains[/h3] Even With this loss we have gained Holland, and captured a light Crusier in the process of being made. Also we have recruited 2 infantry divisions and 1 engineer division [hr] [h2]Home Front [/h2] Germany has stopped the sale of arms to Gran Colombia, Trade is continuing with the US as usual, More factories have been built, Recruitment offices are in almost every town in Germany, Today marks the day the the Do 19, our heavy bomber starts production [img]http://www.airwar.ru/image/idop/bww2/do19/do19-8.jpg[/img] [hr] [b][i]Seig Heil[/i][/b]