Placing the nub of the hose leading to the hookah to her lips the blonde elven woman inhaled gently, letting the flavoured cannabis slip over her tongue and to tickle her lungs. She held it there a brief moment, an oft used maneuver that allowed her a moment's thought, before exhaling the soft white plume back into the air. Assallya truly wished she had more information on the Blood Angel but the problem with scrying was that you had to have something to work with. At the very least a person's full name and title was required but preferably a bit of the person, a scrap of hair or a bit of a man's fluids were ideal. If only it were possible to scry into the past... Then she could see the actual murder take place. Pulling upon her ankle, drawing her heel closer beneath her groin she took note of her own posture and continued with the pleasantries. After all, pleasantries were the only thing that kept those in the city from tearing each other apart like the animals they all truly were. "Would you care for refreshment?" she asked, ready to ask a stylized version of what the general public would think of as a jungle girl complete with a gold chain stretching from ear to nose ring. It wasn't truly accurate in the slightest but her job wasn't to teach people but to produce the illusion of the exotic and mysterious.