[img]https://t00.deviantart.net/Bj8XQZ37op7UR8Dv2ebKEIVXDPI=/fit-in/700x350/filters:fixed_height(100,100):origin()/pre00/2c3e/th/pre/f/2017/090/7/e/desert_wanderer_by_shadow_ninja_zero-db478ff.png[/img] Name – Vindica Species - Human Sex - Female Age – 34 Faction- Cult of Okussus Rank – [b]Appearance –[/b] [Hider=Vindica Unhooded][img]https://i680.photobucket.com/albums/vv167/Assallya/Vindica_1.jpg[/img][/Hider] Vindica is a small, slender woman who is pale of skin and has dark chestnut coloured hair that hangs loose about her shoulders. She prefers dark eyeshadow and eyeliner and often paints her finger and toenails a glossy black. [b]Apparel –[/b] Vindica has her roots being a primitive savage. She still prefers the leathers of her primitive homeworld and has never worn shoes in her life. Lightsaber(s) – Vindica carries only a singular shoto lightsaber which is better for her mostly defensive style. Equipment – Lightsaber, Comm-Link [b]Force Powers –[/b] Force Sense: Vindica can sense the movement of the force through the cosmos. Thus she can sense places strong in the force, individuals strong in the force and if it is strong in the dark side of the force or not. Empty Force: Vindica can empty herself of the force, making herself invisible to those seeking out force users. However, this is done by suppressing her connection to the force and nearly all her abilities. As the force is emotion, she also seems passionless like a robot while embracing this technique. Mind Trick: Expert Mental Invisibility: A derivation of the Mind Trick, Vindica simply tells people not to see her, or that she is inconsequential in some way not worthy of notice Feed the Dark Side: Vindica can make a person feel fear, hatred or anger. She prefers to do so from a distance, subtly, in order for the kindled emotion to feel natural. Force Illusion: Vindica can ask the force to create an illusion inside the minds of others. She can either picture the image and cast it into the force, trusting the force to manifest it in her target or she can nudge the force to create an illusion representative of a concept. This concept could be a greatest fear, a trusted ally or a rival but if she does so then she cannot be sure what it is that the target sees. Force Push- Expert Force Pull- Expert Force Choke- Intermediate Force Lightning- Beginner Known Lightsaber Forms – Shii Cho- Beginner Makashi- Intermediate [b]Skills –[/b] Stealth and Tracking: Vindica grew up on a primitive world and was the daughter of a hunter. She is quite skilled at moving through underbrush silently. [b]Flaws –[/b] Technophobe: Vindica grew up on a primitive world with no technology. While she's become used to opening doors and operating simple devices she has absolutely no hope of rewiring a control panel or slicing a computer. Non-Combatant: Vindica isn't an expert in melee combat by any means. She knows just enough of lightsaber combat so that she can keep herself alive until she can run away. [b]Personality –[/b] Vindica is Sith to the core. She's always looking for an angle, some means to advance her position. Thus she is always looking for information she can blackmail others with. She is also always looking for scapegoats in case anything goes wrong. Vindica also likes hurting people. She enjoys inflicting nightmares and filling people with irrational fear until their minds break. She also, secretly, likes being ordered about and likes being in the throes of someone more powerful. She, of course, would never admit this to anyone and fights this part of her own nature. [b]Backstory – [/b]Vindica was born on an insignificant mudball of a planet. Her people were primitive and agrarian and had the misfortune of being deeply inside territory belonging to the Sith. The Sith here were worshipped as gods and all they needed do was perform a few miracles, heal the occasional person and then they could demand half of their crops. Vindica was the daughter of a hunter. Her father teaching her how to move through the woods silently and stalk prey. Her mother making tallow from the fat of the prey he felled. On her twelfth birthday that she was taken by the gods who senses her divine nature. They would teach her their ways and make her one of them they told her parents and as reward for their "sacrifice" they gods forced the others to provide them with a palatial home. She served the Sith well for many years throughout the war but when the Sith ultimately lost she chose to quietly fade away rather than fight to the bitter end. Since joining the Cult of Okussus she has been trying to figure out where she fits in. As a Sith she learned everything she could from her masters but she sensed they were always holding back, keeping secrets they could use against one another. The Okussus seemed different and altogether similar and Vindica is having a hard time deciding what to share.