Robert sighed as Kiba ran off. He should have seen this coming Kiba was always in his own little world. To others this place should have set off some alarm bells in their mind and a sealed off area would have had the greatest amount of security, as well as whatever was in it, it usually was some sort of nasty monster, like an alien or a demon or a psycho with a chainsaw... he watched way too much horror movies. The base rumbled as he was reminded that they did have time to do their respective jobs. Robert told Danny. "Finish checking out the dungeon quickly and we'll meet up back here then go to help out Kiba." With that Robert and Doru ran off to get to the computer room luckily for them most of the Digimon left to go help out with the battle raging outside, they were able to get to a large room right before the computer room. The room had nothing else besides the large wooden doors leading to the computer room. Doru's ears perked up and in the next moment Doru pushed Robert to the left as a gash appeared across Doru's back and Robert would feel a tingle as it appeared. "What the heck?" Their mysterious enemy showed itself, it looked like a an alligator standing on it's hindlegs, it was covered in black military like armor with two wing like appendages ending with knife blades with it's tail also ending with with a blade. It had a visor over its eyes with mismatching lens, with the smaller one glowing red and a larger white one. In it's hand it held a survival knife and it looked like it could use it. [img],100):origin()/pre00/e9c7/th/pre/f/2015/053/5/e/5e18c40f31b25859e31f6dd060b70bc4-d8j1jdk.png[/img] "Doru." Doru looked at Robert before nodding. "Well then, time to put on a few pounds?" Robert grinned and put up his digivice. "Walk all over him. Digivolve, Doru!"