The lead figure nodded along. Slavers, check. Rebellion, check. Escape pod taken from them, check. Accidental breach here, check. And a distaste for United Federation of Planets for whatever reason, check. There were many details obfuscated by the truncation, but those could be asked about in greater detail after a moment. For what it mattered, they now had a former UFP citizen in their hands, one that would rather not head on back. "To borrow your expression, for what it is worth you have successfully removed yourself from the area governed by UFP. Were you to want to cut what ties remain, we may be able to help with that. That all will depend on what we hear from the council though. If what you told us is true, you would be the first case of this kind. And unless you would be planning to explode, I do not see any reason you would have to lie. Yet you will have to excuse us for maintaining certain level of caution with you." The scrounger he had been talking with turned around on his heels, stopped and extended an arm towards a door on the side of the hallway. "If you would wait there, we will contact our superiors and ask what is to be done with you. Best case scenario, you may get to hop on a cargo transport deeper in our territory even today", they shared, deliberately leaving the worst case up to imagination. The room they pointed him to was simple and it did not take much of a brain to deduce it would be a cell. But at least it had all the basic needs met in food, drink and something to lay down on. [@scifidude47]