"Your plan is...idealistic. As rational as it is, the masses will not be. They will need their closure; they will demand me be made an example of. I do not see how we could present it to them so that they will even accept it. Not unless...perhaps..." Do'rhajul began, but then there was a pause. Suddenly, he knelt down on one knee in front of her and bowed down his head. "Sabine, I pledge myself to you. I pledge my present, my future, my life to you. You have shown yourself as wise as you are powerful, as merciful as you are determined. After facing you as my enemy, I concede that you are my better, in both strength and judgment. I am not worthy to live, but I am worthy to serve. You. To the end of my days, I promise to serve you. Just as a slave to a master, I shall serve every order and request you make of me. My service to you shall be my penance." Do'rhajul said with a distinct amount of conviction.