[@Nymeria] [quote] Villiame came bursting through the doors of the dinning hall, making a dramatic entrance fitting the exasperated look on his face. "Anastasia!" He practically yelled as he spotted her. "My apologies, I know you wanted to speak to father but he has been summoned by the King." The young Ballanger boy was visibly worried, approaching Anastasia with a quick hug. He was handsome, albeit much younger than she was. Despite their ages, he had taken quite an interest in their Blessed Guardian. It was a known fact that he loved beauty, especially in women. Unlike Luther Filtiarn, however, his love was not fleeting. He was known to latch on to an individual and pour his heart out to her, speaking of soulful devotion, only to be heartbroken when something inevitably went wrong. He was a Ballanger, after all, and did his best to put on a strong face and pretend nothing was wrong. "Unfortunately, I don't know all the details of what happened. But here is what I do know:" As he spoke, he glided over and took a seat at the dinning table. "There was a fight last night between some guards at the Ogres Teat. From what I've heard, it was between some Filtiarn and Ballanger guards. That is nothing new, our families have been feuding for years. But this morning the bodies of the Filtiarn guards were found in the fountain. Father is furious. I'm not sure what he's going to do. I'm afraid the guilt will fall on us and that is something father simply will not stand for..." [/quote] Anastasia looked up with a fright, coming to sharp attention, expecting Dromeus to come barging through. She was immediately filled with relief when she saw Villiame instead. She smiled warmly, and held him tight when they embraced, taking in his scent and ruffling his hair briefly. "Oh, my cherub..." She had given him such a nickname for his youthful complexion, even for his age, and the deep sincerity with which he carried himself, that poet's soul that enticed her to approach him in secret that one fateful night so long ago in the gardens. She joined him at the table, cupping her hands and listening in earnest. She grinned once he finished, placing a hand on his, "Ah, but that is why I wished to meet your father, my dear. I bear twice the good news. Not only did I wish to cheer him with the tale of yesturday's successful hunt, but also that I already know the culprits and their whereabouts. However, I wish to speak to your father first before I devulge the information unto others. It is his family name in jepordy after all. He will know best how to handle this."