Elsa was shocked at the actions of the fox. She would have thought such petty human actions wouldn't interest him, or he may have even enjoyed the woman verbally attacking Elsa, found humor in her trying to wound the other woman. But instead he punished her, slicing her tongue. The woman blubbered but this time Elsa couldn't blame her for crying. That had not looked pleasant and she winced in spite of her resolve to remain unmoved by everything around her. The woman staggered backward, trying to hide herself behind others as blood poured from her lips. Other creatures in the area pricked their ears and sniffed the air in excitement. They edged closer to the group, drawn by the sound of suffering and the scent of blood. Elsa moved hastily towards the fox, keeping in his line of sight. She debated speaking, as he seemed irritated by humans talking, but in the end decided that she needed to say something. "Thank you," she said quietly but sincerely. "I appreciate your actions, especially since I know we humans annoy you." She planned to leave it at that, letting her gaze fall away and her sandy hair cover the embarrassed flush on her face. It was difficult for her to speak to people. She mug preferred letting music say what she couldn't express in words. Elsa braced herself, knowing she was going to face backlash either from the fox or from the raging girl who seemed hellbent on antagonizing the demons and belittling anyone who attempted to be civil to them.