Sabine reminded herself to breathe once Do'Rhajul's pledge was done. She was not sure how to react. Taking an oath to serve her did not seem to have any apparent purpose. At least not at first. She clutched her staff tightly in both hands. "You...believe they will respect my wish to have you alive?" Sabine asked hesitantly. "There will be many that will wish to fight me. I can defeat them." Sabine was overwhelmed. She wrung the staff in her hands and looked around the ground. "Some of the people that will fight me are my friends. But I..." She exhaled. There was no compromise she could make short of only one extra alternative. "...I accept. Arm yourself and show me where my belongings are. We are going to get the axe on our own." She turned and started back towards the tents. "Yerig? How much did you hear?"