[center][h3][color=#729674]King Alister Hardin[/color][/h3] [img]https://68.media.tumblr.com/b7b2d3d774ebd6daa8851f2566be0f25/tumblr_inline_nm6lm8pOtE1s8fnd6.gif[/img] [hr][hr] [color=#729674][b]Location -[/b][/color] Kingdom of Abhainn [color=#729674][b]Interacting With -[/b][/color] Queen Mira {[@MissCapnCrunch]}; King Maddox {[@Scarlet Loup]}; Future Queen Julianna {[@HushedWhispers]}; Lady Amaranthea {[@WolfLover]}[/center] [hr][hr] Alister had been vaguely restless for the majority of the day. Though he had finally ceased bouncing his leg, the past hour had been spent with him twisting and turning the rings he had adorned himself with. They were inlaid with expensive stones and gems, expected for a man of his sheer status in society. He certainly could have spent the entire ride in silence, and he had fully intended to do so, but Mira took it upon herself to shatter the silence. She addressed the children, but he couldn't help but wonder if the question had been intended for him to overhear. It was no secret that he hated this arranged marriage. Not only had he heard some [i]unsavory[/i] rumors of Abhainn's king, he simply couldn't help but feel a wave of guilt every time he saw his sister now. Though the treaty had technically been the doing of his father, he had been the one to carry it out, and he would see it through. Alister's jaw clenched for a moment, but he softened as Mira rested her hand atop his. Slowly, he turned his hand over, entwining his fingers with hers. Alister looked up at his son, giving a soft chuff of laughter. [color=#729674]"I am sure we all hope he treats her well,"[/color] he commented softly, more to himself than anyone else, as he brushed his thumb along the back of his wife's hand. The carriages rolled to a stop slowly, and they all began to stand and exit. The children left first, then he and Mira. She linked her arm with his, only accentuating the sheer difference in their heights. The four of them proceeded forward, following Julianna through the crowd. If he thought his own court was awful, the sheer volume of people now was horrific. [color=#729674]"She does,"[/color] he agreed. Alister looked back at her and couldn't help but give a slight smile back at her. [color=#729674]"I will try, my dear. For her sake and for yours."[/color] Julianna rounded back, passing him. Alister offered her the same smile he had given Mira, forcing himself to look excited for her. [color=#729674]"It's a big day, Julia."[/color] And then she was off, approaching her future husband. He looked up as the two young royals came face to face, greeting each other. In the meantime, as Amaranthea approached, he gave a quick nod as memories of her came back to him. It had been ages since he had last seen her. [color=#729674]"You look well, Lady Amaranthea. It is good to see you."[/color] A voice beside him drew his attention back to Maddox who was busy already speaking to the royal couple. [color=#729674]"We are certainly grateful for your hospitality,"[/color] he replied, bowing slightly to Maddox, markedly more so than Maddox had to him. He couldn't help but flush slightly and feel the skin under his collar crawl as Maddox remarked on his days in battle. [color=#729674]"You...flatter me. Though I can not say I have heard much of [i]your[/i] prowess."[/color] The blush that crept up Maddox's face gave him slightly more pleasure than he had intended on.