[hr][hr] [center][color=yellow][h1]Torunn Thorsdottir[/h1][/color] [img]http://static.celebuzz.com/uploads/2015/06/game-of-thrones-s5-deaths-myrcella.gif[/img][/center] [hr][hr] Torunn walked along the sidewalk with a small group of her friends, one of them was a girl with dark brown hair and the other was a boy with light brown hair. "So where do you plan on going for college wise Tori?" The boy asked, his name was Jared she had met him when she turned thirteen when she and her mother had moved from New Mexico to New York City. She remembered the small town that she grew up in, even though she had made a few friends back there she felt a lot more comfortable when they moved out to the city. Torunn looked up at him for a moment as she awkwardly rubbed the back of her neck for a moment as she started to think about where she wanted to go. [color=yellow]"I actually really haven't thought about it."[/color] Torunn answered shyly as they started to walk down the stairs to the subway, graduation wasn't that far off only a few more weeks to go. She was always very smart and always got very good grades on just about all of her paperwork and tests, not to mention she did take up track and field for her after school activity. "You should at least have some kind of prospects out there lined up." The girl said, her name was Kayla, they had met during her second year of high school. [color=yellow]"I'm just picky on what I want to do, i'll figure something out don't worry."[/color] Torunn said giving her friend a gentle nudge as they made it to the bottom of the set of stairs in the subway, Torunn took out her subway card and moved through the gate. They moved down to a lower platform where the tracks were. Torunn adjusted her purse over her shoulder as she looked around at the people around them, the subways were always busy, but it did beat walking along the busy streets and the sidewalks as well. A few minutes later of waiting the subway came to a stop at the station, Torunn got in along with her two friends she looked around until she found an empty seat on the side of the car. Both Kayla and Jared sat down next to her as she leaned back in the seat closing her eyes as she took a slight breath and relaxed. "So are you at least going to the party tomorrow tonight Tori?" Kayla asked looking at her friend, it was going to be a graduation party for their class, and the whole class would be there. [color=yellow]"I don't know maybe?"[/color] Torunn answered, she didn't really care much for parties she always felt awkward and weird. "Well you better it's like a once in a lifetime chance to you know." She said as she playfully nudge Torunn's shoulder. [color=yellow]"Alright i'll at least text you if i'm able to or not, stop hounding me."[/color] Torunn said with a slight laugh as the subway finally came to a stop, and they were at the right subway station. She slowly stood up and started to get off along with her two friends, though Jared and Kayla needed to get on another train nearby. [color=yellow]"I'll see you guys later."[/color] Torunn said as she watched both Jared and Kayla leave, she turned around and started to leave the subway station, heading up the flight of stairs, her eyes scanning the nearby area as she walked along the sidewalk towards their apartment building.