[quote]So, denizens of the Guild, which section(s) would you say that you are most likely to Roleplay within and why?[/quote] Most of my time spent on RPG has been within the casual section. I find that it exists as the perfect blend I'm looking for. It's hard to explain, but I view it this way: Advanced in writing, but Free in requirements. I can go into great detail in my posts, mainly because my RPs are lax enough to allow an even pace without burning myself out on RP. [quote]Do you feel that you are "welcomed" as a "member" within this section and/or sections?[/quote] I feel welcomed a hundred percent. My longest running RP is from the Casual section, where I met a number of interesting and helpful individuals. While we've had hiccups in the past, I've already stated my appreciation for them [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/4377894]here[/url] and [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/89778-lets-gush-the-antithesis-to-the-bitching-thread/ooc?page=8#post-4319818]here[/url] to thank them for helping me with everything they've done to support me. Other than that, I don't think I've managed to tick off anyone yet to the point where they dislike me, so I suppose that's great too. [quote]Would you feel comfortable writing in the other sections? Why or why not?[/quote] >Free Honestly depends. Get me a decent RP idea, sure, but I tend to write casual in the free section when I do. I struggle writing short responses of one to two sentences in a RP, to be honest, so my free section posts tend to be short yet chunky in detail. >Advanced Maybe, maybe if I had the time. I've thought about joining an advanced RP, but I just end up joining a ton of causal RPs and never have time to deal with the length and detail of most advanced RPs. Additionally, I don't really see much variation in the advanced section from military, scifi, fantasy or medieval. It's always some combination of those, and not always what I'm looking for. >Arena The idea of an arena RP sounds interesting, but not enough for myself. Seeing two or more people have this "super awesome battle to the death" is cool and all, but I'm someone who likes story fluctuated with combat. I just can't seem to get into the idea of straight battle royale or gladiator fights in the colosseum. >1x1 I do, occasionally, dabble in the 1x1 section. However, most 1x1 checks are focused on romance and smut more than I wish, which is why I'm happy that I found 1x1 partners interested in focusing on the RP more so than the kinks or "kicking it off." >Nation My opinion on Nation RPs is similar to my opinion on Arena RPs. I like the idea of massive trench warfare, or epic space operas created by navies battling in space, but controlling everything at once sounds complicated. I'm one of those people who like controlling just one, maybe two characters, otherwise everything begins to go downhill if I don't pay attention. >Tabletop I have 12K+ hours on Roll20, and would love to explore more of the tabletop section as I enjoy RPGs, yet so far every campaign I join/create has died quickly. I do wish the section had more interest than it has now. Other than the campaigns already established, it is a relatively quiet subsection.