[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/IizSoao.gif[/img] [img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjgwLmRkOWM3ZS5SR0YwWlNCWFlYUmhjbWssLjA,/blowbrush.regular.png[/img] [sub][color=FA8072]Konohagakure Shinobi | Stormy Chūnin | Young Blade[/color] [hr]TIME: [i]Present Day - Afternoon[/i] | Location: [i][u]Sunagakure - Outskirts[/u][/i] | Interacting With: Sakana Uragiri[@Odin] Shizuka Ichimi[@Syn] Kamui Uzumaki[@Spanner][/sub][/center] As they ended talks of their battle plan Date chuckled at Shizuka's attempted joke. The seal that fish Jonin wore was something dangerous and joking about it did not seem to make his words lose any less meaning, at least to Date. In the back of his mind, Date was excited, he was going to get a chance to test his steal against a real threat. Every time this excitement rose you could see a flicker in his eye but it was quickly snuffed out by his fathers words [i]"Only a fool looks for a fight."[/i] He could not help it though, this was a real mission that required some actual combat (the first in a long time) and was looking forward to fighting these clones. Date knew he would prob have to deal with them and protect Kamui but that did not phase him in the slightest. Even though this was not a time to be excited with the death and destruction surrounding them, Date's excitement and anticipation overshadowed all that because in his mind a [i]blade that never tasted blood would simply rot away in its own scarab. [/i] Before he could set out to do the task given to him, a giant worm-creature-thing erected itself from in the sand village and destroyed a large potion of it just by being there. The beast caused a similar reaction to Sakana's seal, Date's hand was on the hilt of his blade in an instant, to the untrained eye it would look like he twitched but really he was setting up for a fight. The beast was massive and hard to miss, and he listened closely as Shizuka told them of his mothers tale. It was quiet the monstrosity and sent chills down the spine of the boy, he had never faced such a daunting opponent and it scared him. That fear also drove his excitement even higher and made his adopt a shit eat grin on his face, Date assumed he was the only one smiling in the face of certain death but that was the exciting part. To him there was always a bright side for every situation and the more the odds were stacked against you the sweeter your victory would be. When Shizuka pointed out the fallen ninja, he was quick to follow behind his teammates and intercept him before he could go anywhere. The news about the hostages worried him a little bit, but this just made the game more interesting. The idea that this "man" had Sunagakure elders hostage was just as thrilling as Earth Worm Jim thrashing about in the back ground. [color=FA8072]"It's obviously a trap for the Kazekage, but how do we handle it?"[/color] He said after Kaumi with an eye roll, he did not roll his eyes at his teammates but more at the simple plan. There was no drama in mercy win..no the Kazekage should go down in flames and smoke, but instead this guy has no style. [color=FA8072]"Seems kind of like a simple counter to me, instead of us distracting her with this information why don't we go to him instead."[/color] Date said with his usual small smile. He offered this solution for 2 reasons: one being that he did not want to have a repeat of the Jonin Exams, and end up in the middle of a kage death trap, and the second was if they were to split the group like originally planed what could Kamui and Date really do to the worm. His blade could cut almost anything but it was gonna take more then one hack to break the skin of that thing, aside form the massive size and raw power coming off it in waves. He looked over at the worm and noticed the eggs falling out, and the other ones that just recently hatched into much smaller versions of their mother. [color=FA8072][i]Wait does that mean its a chick worm?[/i][/color] Date thought to himself with a confused face. He watched as the [i][b]babies[/b][/i] slithered around and pick off those who got trapped by the webs covering the building, and any nearby ninja who didn't. [color=FA8072]"Hey that might be a problem."[/color] He said as he point to worms nearby their location. [color=FA8072]"I mean if you got a newspaper or a fly swatter we can deal with those things easily, but the bigger one is gonna take some sharper treatment."[/color] Date joked with a smirk. He knew this was no time for jokes but this was his way of getting past the fear of battle and steeling himself for the fight to come. His dad has always taught that you can shake, cry, and moan all you want after a fight, but during one wear a smile with and have determination in your eyes. [color=FA8072]"Uragiri, Ichimi, what are we gonna do?[/color] Date asked their leaders, with his hand on the hilt of Howaitosupāku, ready for action.