Glad to hear it! And you’re welcome, but I did it just as much for me as for you! Any kind of complicated story does well with some sort of glossary. Plus, it helps to keep details and world/magic rules fairly straight. I can’t remember which bits have been mentioned, but not explained to Ghent, though. ^.^ Heh, maybe we could come up with our own spin-off for them someday. Glad you approve! Oh my gosh. :lol Ghent’s reaction is wonderful. Scaredy-cat! See what you do, Ghent? xD Pfft, I’m totally with you. Poke some eyes out on the Cabbage Patch heads, throw in a few twisted black roses, maybe around a coffin with a beat-up, abandoned teddy bear inside to preside over the garden, baby doll hands sticking up randomly from the earth… Thinking of [i]Toy Story,[/i] though, I had a dream the other night where I got sucked into a world that was like that meets [i]Wonderland[/i] (surprise, surprise). It was weird. Another person and I were the only people not toys or life-like stuffed animals. A queen and an incompetent squire guy who liked to slither around like a snake and bite people took the rule over the kingdom from a cowardice king. I woke up wondering what the freak my brain was doing. Oh! Nice. I saw something about that, but didn’t look into it. Did now! The [i]Wizards[/i] one makes sense. I mean, “By the glory of [i]Merlin[/i],” after all. The [i]3 Below[/i] might be a tough sell for me, though. Hopefully they tie it all in together really well! Doesn’t it? And my gosh, right? xD Oh, Hatter. That was amusing. The bits with the anpan and strawberry jam bread boys made me want bread. Actually, I’m pretty sure I went and made some toast to munch on while reading about Rotty and the Duchess. Is it bad, though, that the whole concept of the Bread Boys made me grin, and I found it all morbidly wonderful? Actually, I think I was grinning through 95% of the story. Like Cheshire’s apprentice or something.