[hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=ed1c24]World Narrative[/color][/i][/b][/h1][/center][hr] It is about lunch time for most of Newnan currently, so those that are not on cases or anything might want to grab a meal or something if they do not have anything else going on. Those not directly in cases or specifically involved in the rest of the update - pm me for rolls to see if your character hears or sees anything else that others are not. [b]Case Name:[/b] Trip to North Newnan [b]Lead Reason:[/b] Getting embalming supplies [b]Secondary Reason:[/b] Maybe a casket [b]Recruiting:[/b] Nope [b]Time:[/b] 1-2 hours, depends (Will probably be 1-3 cases to complete.) [b]Group:[/b] Chloe, Ravi, Niesha, Riley [hider] Okay, you are leaving the walls of Newnan to go just north to the Funeral Home. Ravi will know what needs to be looked for to embalm Miss Sally. You are to make your way there and back. PM me for rolls once you get inside of the Funeral home and descriptions. You also might want to see about caskets because you will need something to put the body in. Most of the time in Newnan they aren't even put in a wooden one, just straight into the earth. Considering that there will be an actual funeral for Miss Sally, a casket might be a good thing. Plus, if you get one of those carts from the funeral home you can probably put the chemicals in the casket and wheel it back. Who knows. Counter for this is 7 days from today. Good luck girls. [/hider] [b]Case Name:[/b] Date Run [b]Lead Reason:[/b] Get Ash's Head Cleared [b]Secondary Reason:[/b] General Run [b]Recruiting:[/b] Depends if they run into anyone [b]Time:[/b] Rest of the Day most likely, could be longer - depends (Will most likely be 3-5 cases to complete) [b]Group:[/b] Ash, Thana [hider] Get your gear and shit together and head out. You are heading outside of the walls to a location to be revealed in the post. Main goal is to get Ash thinking straight. If you are able to bring anything back, great. If you are able to get back alive, that's what matters in the long game. You have 7 days to start. [/hider] [hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=f26522]Gavin[/color], [color=fff79a]Ryan[/color], & [color=598527]Lola[/color][/i][/b][/h1][/center][hr][hr][center][b]Location:[/b] The Meeting[/center][hr] Ryan nodded a bit in Beatrice's direction. [color=fff79a]"Yeah, anything beyond breathing I think is above my pay grade,"[/color] he said with a bit of a smirk on his lips. A fucking tank was above most everyone's pay grade these days, that is if they were getting paid. He couldn't take out a tank but hell the women were close enough now that if they tried anything he could probably take them out. Granted he wasn't an ace shot like some and could end up hitting James as well. This was a shit situation all around. Lola laughed brightly. This man was a nuts as she was. [color=598527]"Well shit mate. That sounds like right proper things to know. Will make note of it. Any suggestions on where I can get some lip stick?"[/color] she asked with a sly grin but then went oddly quiet. It wasn't something she did often but she knew how important this was to Thalia so she kept her trap shut as best she could while they spoke. Quiet for her though meant dancing around a bit and singing to herself. It was the best anyone could hope for. Ryan listened and groaned a bit. That was one hell of a lot to dump on anyone right then. Gavin was keeping a close eye on the group. So much in fact he didn't notice a body beneath him. It wasn't any typical body. A walker was melting beneath the tree and had worked itself free. Gavin didn't hear it. Melting snow wasn't making a lot of noise right then and even Gavin could hear Lola clear as day from where he was. She was pretty much drowning everything out right then. Slowly it came out from under the tree and because Gavin was looking through his scope and keeping things fixed between Lola and Thalia, he couldn't see what was happening below him. The Walker rambled out of the snow bank and towards the group slowly. Most walkers tended to start all looking the same after a bit of time but this one stood out. Blonde hair, in braids, leather bodice, a shield on her back. Seemed that one former member of Newnan was coming to say a final hello. Ryan didn't notice it at first but when he did he hardly could believe what he had seen. He hadn't exactly known a certain Viking woman when she left Newnan injured to go die in her own way but he had heard of her and seen the tribute that Tatiana had built for her and the rest. [color=fff79a]"James.... turn around...."[/color] he said as he slowly stepped out from behind the door of the truck and started to take aim. Astrid was behind James, a good thirty feet still and she was moving slowly. He still wasn't sure of his shot, so he didn't take it yet. [hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=a187be]Tatiana Korvo[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]http://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/s480x480/e35/15538670_1799587316995431_8758437261512540160_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=MTQwNzYyMDA2MzI5Njc1NzI0MA%3D%3D.2[/img][/center][hr][hr][center][b]Location:[/b] The Newnan's House (Building F)[/center][hr] Right then it seemed that Tatiana was inconsolable. She was weeping freely as the call came in to Ray asking if someone could take a minute with Amelia. Normally Tatiana would have pulled herself together and done her duty but there were extenuating circumstances. So much loss, and while there was nothing that could change it Miss Sally passing away seemed to be the straw that broke the small ballerina's back right then. She couldn't even answer when Ray asked if they would like a moment alone. But her actions were probably speaking louder than anything right then, it was more than clear she was in no condition right then to speak to anyone and it was probably best if her and Jack had some time alone. Even if her crying wasn't enough to get the point across. The fact that in a single moment she ended up pushing away from Jack and bounding down the hallway probably was. One could hear the door slamming shut behind her and shortly after that the sound of the towns moral officer losing whatever she had eaten in the last twenty-four hours into the bathroom throne. Seemed the combination of stress, loss, and being pregnant had all finally come together in a perfect storm and triggered what most would have called morning sickness. Sure that was the name for it but it could hit at anytime and even though it was lunch time, it was hitting her right then. Probably better now than earlier or even later. At least right then she was home.