Alvios had been taking note of each door, and was becoming mildly irate about the odd similarities and differences despite feeling like they had gone nowhere. He finally sighed in defeat as Jenso looked towards them again for advice. [color=mediumorchid]"I know Bruce said we shouldn't split up further...but we're strapped for time here."[/color] Alvios walked over to one of the doors, looking it over. After a few moments, he slipped out of his purple jacket, and dropped it before the door. [color=mediumorchid]"We each take a separate door. Search what we can inside. If we reach a dead end, exit if possible, and try a new door. We'll leave something outside, an object or a marker. Contact one another if we find something, and we'll be able to find their door by their mark. When Jeff and Oz show up, hopefully they'll get the picture. Without Ada, they won't be able to outnumber us."[/color]