Air suddenly spilled back into Ryan's lungs, his breathes no longer forced. Whatever was on top of him, he could feel it being peeled away. The air came to him so fast he couldn't help but choke on it, much like surfacing from water that he'd been submerged in too long. His eyes widened, and his vision was less blurred. There was a newfound strength in him now that he could breathe. [i]Fresh air....Works wonders.[/i] "Hey hey hey stay awake. Hey. Christ, please be alright." Ryan was trying to answer but he was still choking on the new air. He could only manage to wave his hand around as he coughed. He formed his index finger and thumb into the O.K. sign, then lifted his arms to remove his helmet. As he pulled the thick plastic from his head, he coughed a few more times, dropping the helmet to the ground as he caught his breathe. Looking up he saw two men, his rescuers, staring at him worryingly. "I'm...I'm alright." Ryan choked, "What the [i][i]cough, cough,[/i][/i] What the hell happened?"