[hr][hr][center][h1][color=FFD9E9]Allison Andrews[/color][/h1][img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m32a5cnwhz1r5ruse.gif[/img][hr][color=FFD9E9][b]Location[/b][/color]: The Garage [color=FFD9E9]{[/color][i]"Puppies and kittens. Think happy thoughts...."[/i][color=FFD9E9]}[/color][/center][hr][hr] Allison struggled, but no vision came. She instantly became frustrated but remembered that she was still new to most of this. Plus, her visions seemed to come when she needed them. She would have to rely on that fact. Especially considering Guin's note. This mission became even more intense, but she would not let that get to her. Now more than ever, they needed someone to smile in the face of darkness. She looked over as Carolina spoke to her. She hadn't talked to any of the new people much, so this was a treat. [color=FFD9E9]"Oh goodness, you're talking to me? That's new! Usually people try to avoid that for reasons that may seem pretty obvious now. I'm good, I'm ready. Been trying to get my powers ready to no avail, but what can ya do? Mind powers are tricky things. What's your power again? I bet it's super cool. And I'm rambling again."[/color] Allison quickly shut up to let the others talk. She wanted to get started. Being cooped up in this car wasn't doing her any favors.