[center] [url=https://fontmeme.com/hello-goodbye-the-beatles-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/170917/c1af34410a660245642cf5bcceb77ffa.png[/img][/url] [url=https://thechive.files.wordpress.com/2017/05/z1-bow-arrow-archery-girls-600-2.jpg?quality=85&strip=info&w=600]Picture[/url] [url=https://fontmeme.com/hello-goodbye-the-beatles-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/170917/f3c70600d9322eabb679cfe254b7e556.png[/img][/url][/center] Summer was there when Jain’s senses returned and she felt like a pile of steaming trail biscuits, her belly was both wanting to be filled and emptied at the same time which explained the pitcher of water by her bed and a wooden bucket on the floor. She was inside of corrugated metal building that screamed a ranch barn and a nice one as it was supported by a steel skeleton. The room was a 10’x10’ with a concrete floor and hangers on the outer walls which at one time might have held rope, drop cords, tools, or the like. Uninsulated it was never meant for human habitation but in the new world served well in that function. Her bed was rough planked and judging by the smell of resin and the outer age made cutting parts from nearby and assembly on site…...her people had made this bed for her and the gesture touched her because it was roomy and soft. Then she stepped in and demanded to know why she thought she could just lay around in the dark “Are you a Responsible Commander or a Gang Leader?” demanded Jain’s Commander personae as her womanly half pled her wounds….in the end the weak knee before the strong. She almost punched Summer when the little witch touched her but the poisonous pixie’s tone was like a sweet warning. [color=FF1493]I know that look sweetie and she don’t need get stirred up just yet because you’d be acting without knowledge and making demands, pissing in people's beer and generally making sure they think you’re nuts. I’m here as your nurse, pusher, and maybe Priestess confessor but most of all as your friend[/color] Jain tried to intimidate Summer with a glare getting only a gentle smile for her effort which made her feel silly so she sighed exhaling deeply. [color=seagreen]How many?[/color] [color=FF1493]Two dead and three wounded including yourself[/color] the little witch shivered but not in fear because she knew Jain too well but because as soon as Jian heard she’d lost two more people the room became a cold and empty place. [color=seagreen]Who and How?[/color] [color=FF1493]April and Darric…….they got over run and then things went to hell and she was trying some say to run towards your position when she was shot by one of those morons. They say Darric died from getting stabbed in the neck[/color] said Summer then braced for the eruption but it was far worse, the redhead had gone colder than death and had even managed to forget she had a body or emotions. Both women sat in the same bed Jain as the user and Summer as the attendent at it’s foot as time stood still, was in minutes or days Summer waited she couldn’t honestly say all she knew was her friend was in her own hell and only she could climb out so she waited then it came. [color=seagreen]Is Maisy free, if not inform her that at her earliest convenience I’d like her after action report. Also I want bread, eggs, and meat of whatever nature we have. Also I believe my dressing needs changing as I am presently bleeding.[/color] said Jain in a flat monotone. Great thought Summer as she stood and offered only a smile in reply and went to do her bidding. She heard as she closed the door to the equipment and tack room now convalescent room Jain using the bucket which was expected when weighed against the drugs her system was purging.