The battle was over very quickly, all things considered, and Askia felt happy to have aided in it somewhat and thus she slapped her hands together a few time as if she were trying to get dust off her. That was before Jill scared the daylights out of her with her loud noises, but what could you expect from such a young person. A light chuckle came out of her mouth at the fact that Koan and the whoever this ass Was was getting reprimanded. Then Dyn had to come along, droning on about the same thing she had done to a bunch of other people, but she had never gotten this from a beholder so she listened and nodded her head a few times as he spoke. However, she didn’t care, which was evident in her response, [color=pink]”You see, the difference between you and I, you are concerned for the group, understandably. I am not, I stopped caring about others a long time ago when I gave up my heroic adventures. In short, you say the same thing I have heard many times, and frankly, it means nothing to me. Have fun with that knowledge and how your words are insignificant in the grand nature of the cosmos.”[/color] With that Askia attempted to swim away from the beholder muttering a few insults under her breath, mostly about him being a stupid squid.